How do I get my dog to like a sweater? Find Out Here

Training Your Dog to Wear Clothes

  • Question What should I do if my dog is afraid of the clothes? Dani Pedraza Professional Dog Trainer Dani Pedraza is a Professional Dog Trainer and a Co-Owner of The Big City Woof Walker with presences in NYC and Chicago. Dani is passionate about providing personal, quality pet service and treatment and is very knowledgeable about training dogs using positive reinforcement and a force-free approach. As a Certified Dog Trainer (CCDT), Dani graduated from CATCH Canine Trainer Academy’s Master Course program. Dani Pedraza Professional Dog Trainer Expert Answer You want to work slowly and go at your dogs pace. Start by just showing your dog the clothes and giving them a treat. Then, maybe try lifting up your dogs leg like youre going to put the clothes on and then give them a treat. Next, you could put the item of clothing on, take it right off, then give your dog another treat. This will help your dog develop a positive association with the clothes. Dont force it or go faster than your dog is comfortable with.
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  • Consider your reasons for wanting to dress your dog. It’s okay if you want your dog to wear clothes to look fashionable rather than out of practical necessity (e.g., if your dog needs help staying warm in winter). However, don’t force your dog to wear clothes unnecessarily if it finds them uncomfortable or stressful. ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0
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    Start EarlyEven if you don’t plan on regularly putting your dog in clothing, it’s best to teach your pooch to comfortably wear clothes during his

    How do I get my dog to like a sweater?

    Make Getting Dressed FunTeach your dog to have a positive association with clothes before he wears them by

    How do I get my dog to like a sweater?

    Teaching Your Dog To Wear A Sweater | Dog Training Nation

    Aside from being fashionable, putting clothes on your dog can also be functional. If you have an older dog with circulatory problems or a dog with a thin or short coat, a doggie sweater can help keep them warm. A doggie raincoat can reduce the time you spend cleaning and drying your pet companion after being out in rainy weather. Dog clothes can also protect light-colored dogs from getting sunburned and they can make your dog seem more approachable, which can improve his social skills. Regardless what fashion statement youre trying to make, ensuring that your dog is comfortable wearing clothes should be your first priority.

    Teach your dog from a young age to wear clothes if you plan on dressing him up when hes grown. During puppyhood your pet companion doesnt know any better and is more likely to allow you to put clothes on him. Adult dogs who were taught to dress up as puppies are more tolerant to wearing clothes.

    Select clothing that is easy to put on when you first start teaching your dog to wear clothes. Avoid items that are too tight or too loose, and stay away from clothes you have to pull over his head or that cover his legs and feet. Look for clothes that fasten on his tummy or chest. Once your dog is used to wearing these easy clothes, you can gradually introduce him to sweaters and shirts that go over his head.

    Step #1 – Show your dog the clothes you want to put on him. Allow him to sniff and explore the clothing. Say “good boy,” and reward him with a treat when he shows interest in the clothes.

    Step #2 – Hold the dog clothes in your hand and rub it against your pet companions side. Praise him for staying calm and slowly drape the clothing over your dogs back. Reward him again for remaining calm. Slowly start fastening the clothing straps while praising your pet companion for standing still.

    Step #3 – Give your dog a chew toy or a food-stuffed dog toy to play with while hes wearing the doggie clothes. The toy will distract him so he doesnt pay attention to the clothes hes wearing. Meanwhile, keep reinforcing his good behavior by praising him.

    Step #4 – Remove your dogs clothes after one minute and repeat the dress-up session the next day. This time, keep the clothes on him a little longer. Avoid moving too fast — observe your dog, and if he seems to tolerate the clothes, increase the duration to five minutes. If this goes well, increase it to 10 minutes the following day. If your pet companion seems stressed, go back to one-minute dress-up sessions. Reduce the amount of attention and praise you give your dog after removing the clothes — hell start associating the clothes with getting praised and wont mind wearing them.

    About the Author Kimberly Caines is a well traveled model, writer and licensed physical fitness trainer who was first published in 1997. Her work has appeared in the Dutch newspaper “De Overschiese Krant” and on various websites. Caines holds a degree in journalism from Mercurius College in Holland and is writing her first novel.

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