How do I get my dog to stop pooping in the house at night? A Step-by-Step Guide

Being Inside for Too Long

This may be obvious, but it is certainly worth mentioning. If you are at work all day and come home late, it is not your dogs fault for soiling in the home. Dogs should not be left at home for too long, and if this is your situation, your best bet is to hire a pet sitter or a dog walker so your dog is free to go outside as needed.

If your dog is properly house-trained, he will have tried to keep it in as long as he could but just couldnt hold it any longer because you were away for too long. He is the last to be blamed in such a scenario. Never scold your house-trained dog for soiling in your home.

Is Your Dog Revenge Pooping?

Dogs dont think poop is yucky, and they dont understand that humans dislike cleaning up after them. The concept of pooping out of revenge is a human concept. Dogs are pure. Rather than taking it personally, examine the reasons why your dog may be more comfortable relieving herself in the house. Oftentimes, its as simple as not wanting to go outside during a snowy day or during a thunderstorm.

Limit Your Dog’s Movement at Night

Most dogs don’t feel comfortable pooping in a small confined area they sleep in.

So by limiting their movement at night — closing their bedroom, or putting them in a crate — you can decrease the chance of your dog pooping at night.

Not Fully Trained

You may think that your dog has been house trained if they have gone a week or two without any accidents, but really you need to go about a month without any accidents before you can claim your dog is fully house trained.

Now, this is obviously more common in puppies, but it can also happen in elder dogs whom have been adopted.

Equally, if you have made drastic changes to their environment, moved homes or relocated, re-training may be required!

What To Do If Your Dog Is Peeing & Pooping Inside – Tips From Al The Dog Trainer

As dog owners, we quickly pick up on any changes in their behavior. This is especially true when something comes about all of a sudden or seems to be entirely out of the norm. Pooping in the house at night is one such example; but what does it mean, why does it happen and what can we do about it? Here is what you need to know.

So, why has my dog started pooping in the house at night? The most common reasons why a dog may start pooping in the house at night are in response to a change in diet, their schedule, or as part of the development of a medical issue. However, reasons can range from dog to dog and depends on their age, personality, and how often you have had them.

Some of the reasons for the night-time elimination can be reversed, some can be contained, and others will just have to be accepted.

Just remember, none of the reasons are your dog’s fault nor are they your dog’s desire to offend and upset you.

So as hard as it may be, especially when we have a lot on our plates or that we may accidentally stand in some; we must do our best to stay composed and not to shout at our dog.

Besides, it’s already happened and there is little you can do about it there and then.

Let us now take a closer look at the main reasons why a dog may begin to poop during those sleeping hours, along with how you should approach the situation.

Be sure to keep reading if you want to know whether and how you can put a stop to this unfortunate recurring circumstance. It’s in your and your dog’s interest!