How do I get my puppy to love me more? Expert Advice

Yes, you can comfort your dog when she’s afraid

How do I get my puppy to love me more?

There are a lot of persistent, harmful, messed-up myths about dog behavior. One of the most persistent and messed-up myths is the “rule” that you should never comfort a fearful dog. Like if you pet your dog when she gets startled by a loud noise and cowers beside you, you’re only encouraging her to be afraid of loud noises.

This isn’t true. It’s based on a misunderstanding of how animals learn. You can’t reinforce emotions the same way you reinforce behavior.

If your dog is scared, you don’t have to tell him to suck it up and get over it. You’re allowed to reassure him.

Let her sleep in your bedroom

At least until she gets settled in. This experience is scary for a dog, especially a puppy. Sleeping with her new family will reassure her and drive home the fact that you are, indeed, a family.

Modern training methods are based on setting the dog up for success and showing him exactly how to behave, instead of endlessly correcting bad behavior. As a result, training becomes fun, rather than a chore. Your dog learns that you are a trustworthy person who’s worth listening to.

# Give your pup a job

No, we’re not implying your pet needs to go to work to earn their food. Rather, consider the type of breed you have and their history of skills. While some furry pals are herders, others are hunters. Coupled with the need to please their “master,” and you’ve got yourself a worker who’s itching to get to work!

Although you may not have a flock of sheep in the backyard that needs herding, you may have a newspaper or slippers that can be fetched. Really, only your imagination limits you as there are tons of tricks you can teach your pup that will call on their inborn instincts. What’s more, it gives them the chance to feel appreciated and needed (even more than they do now!). If you’re still not sure how to engage your dog, check out our post on ways to entertain your dog.

How to Get Your Dog to Love You More than Anything

The time-honored phrase “A dog is man’s best friend” isn’t always a guarantee. Acquiring a new puppy means taking on a new role and establishing a new relationship. Bonding with a pet is a lot of fun, but it takes plenty of hard work too. Putting in this effort can make for a smoother transition into pet ownership and reduce headaches for you and your dog for years to come.

When your puppy comes home, your house should look like you’ve been expecting them. In addition to stocking up on toys, treats, and other playtime essentials, make sure to carefully “puppy-proof” each accessible room. Secure electrical and drapery cords, cover up electrical outlets, and carefully lock or secure any doors or drawers that might get your puppy into trouble.

Why wait to introduce your puppy to their new collar and leash? Leading them around indoors is an easy way to familiarize them with both their new surroundings and the experience of going for walks. It’s a safe way to ensure you’ve got a close eye on them as they check out the sights and smells of their new home.

You and your puppy have a lot to learn about bonding and living with one another. The sooner you both embrace the process of trial and error, the better. When setting and enforcing house rules, always remember to be patient and consistent.