How do you clean a dog’s biofilm Bowl? Here’s What to Do Next

The fact that we can prevent major health conditions in our pets simply by keeping their bowls and toys clean and sterile is sobering.

Whether from our animal’s bowls, or household biofilms in places all over our home, biofilm bacteria are a constant hazard to our health. Imagine your child touching or playing with the pet’s bowl or toys, then putting their fingers in their mouth? GROSS!

Handwashing Your Dog’s Food or Water Dish

  • Question How can I clean a stainless steel pet dish? Raymond Chiu House Cleaning Professional Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for, a residential and commercial cleaning service based in New York City that provides home and office cleaning services at affordable prices. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and Management from Baruch College. Raymond Chiu House Cleaning Professional Expert Answer If you have a stainless steel bowl, just use a few drops of dish soap, warm water, and a microfiber cloth. Harsh detergents could also cause stainless steel dishes to rust.
  • Question How can I remove oil stains from the carpet around the food and water bowls. Raymond Chiu House Cleaning Professional Raymond Chiu is the Director of Operations for, a residential and commercial cleaning service based in New York City that provides home and office cleaning services at affordable prices. He has a Bachelors in Business Administration and Management from Baruch College. Raymond Chiu House Cleaning Professional Expert Answer Dab and soak up as much of the oil as you possibly can. Then, sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch around the carpet and let it sit for 15 minutes or so. This will soak a lot of the oil up. After youve let the powder soak into the carpet, just vacuum it up. Let the area air dry for a little and repeat the steps as needed until the stains are gone.
  • Question Why do you say that bleach is toxic and then recommend using it to disinfect your dogs bowl? Community Answer Good point. You should never disinfect a dogs bowl with bleach. It would better to simply use dish soap and water and then rinse thoroughly.
  • A homemade diluted bleach solution remains effective for only about 24 hours. If you know you will not be using a lot of bleach in a 24-hour period, scale down the amount you make.[22] ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • If you have small children, make sure they do not play with your dogs dirty food or water dishes. The bacteria in those dishes can make your children sick. ⧼thumbs_response⧽ Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
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    How to remove dry, caked-on dog food

    How do you clean a dog’s biofilm Bowl?

    Maybe it’s been a while since you last washed your dog’s bowl. Or perhaps the hot sun caused uneaten food to harden like cement…

    Whatever the reason, if you find yourself struggling to remove stubborn food from your dog’s bowl, then there is one thing you need to do:

    Soak it!

    Yep, a long soak in hot, soapy water is all it takes to soften and lift caked-on dog food.

    Once done, hand wash your bowl, gently scrubbing to remove any remaining dog food that clings to the bowl.

    How To Clean Your Pets Water Bowls

    As pet owners, we’ve all seen and felt that nasty slime that forms in our pets’ food and water dishes.

    This slime is called bacterial biofilm, which forms when bacteria attach themselves to your pets’ dishes and release a slimy, gluelike substance that can stick to plastic, stainless steel, ceramics, glass, and many other surfaces.

    Biofilm appears in many colors, including red, green, pink, yellow, purple, orange, brown, colorless or black. It also creates a putrefied smell that’s incredibly offensive to pets. You might not be able to detect an odor, but remember that many types of pets can smell 14 times better (or more!) than humans.

    Biofilm can cause life-threatening conditions when ingested or inhaled by pets or humans, and can contain: