How do you fix an insecure dog? Here’s What to Do Next

A Dog’s Insecurity Is Based On Personal Experiences & Situations

Dogs can have various levels of insecurity depending on their personal experiences and personal situations. In many dogs, insecurity can lead to some serious problems. In fact, most aggression cases that we receive are rooted in insecurity.

This can be caused by dogs continually being put in uncomfortable positions and they resort to aggression to escape the situation, which undoubtedly becomes a successful strategy for them. This includes both people and dog aggression. There are dogs that have a very low likelihood of resorting to aggression. These dogs rely heavily on their flight response. We consider these dogs’ flight risks. This is unfortunately the reason why so many dogs go missing every 4th of July and New Year’s Eve. Or situations where dogs escape people’s backyards. Neighbors may start to try and help to get your dog and because they are insecure, they continue to run, trying to escape a fearful situation, putting them at greater risk. Insecurity is also usually at the root of most incidents where children get bitten.

So you can see why insecurity is not healthy and can become a real problem. Many of these dogs get labeled as aggressive and are put down, when in fact they are only scared. Insecurity needs to be dealt with so it does not get to this point. We have a responsibility as dog owners to understand insecurity and take the proper means to address it.

What Are the Causes of Canine Insecurity?

We humans have a wide range of phobias and insecurities and quite simply, so do dogs. There are many causes of a dog’s lack of self-esteem and confidence.

It Sits in the Corner by Itself

An insecure dog will feel the need to be protected from whatever it perceives will harm it. It will withdraw into a corner, crouch under a bed or hide under a sofa when it feels threatened.

Helping an INSECURE Dog (feat. Jerry Seinfeld!) | Cesar911 Shorts

We humans have all kinds of personalities. We’re outgoing and shy, open and reserved, serious and silly, emotional and creative. Many of us are born with certain qualities or personality types, and sometimes our experiences influence the way we present ourselves to the world.

Dogs are no different. They can be affectionate or independent, approachable or shy, playful and energetic or even timid and fearful.

Easygoing dogs — happy greeters with wagging tails — are often the stereotype. But this stereotype can be a great disservice to many shy and fearful dogs who need a little extra help (especially around whatever frightens them).

Strangers and unknown dogs are often a source or trigger for anxious or fearful canine behavior. But it’s nothing most dedicated dog owners can’t handle!