How do you flirt with a girl dog? Here’s What to Do Next

Opening line:

Squat down, pet the dog…“OMG… you are so cute… what’s your name?” The girl will tell you its name. Now talk to the dog, play with it, make it love you.

Information about the dog that you can ask:

“What breed is it?” “How old is it?” “How long do you have it?” “Is it a boy or a girl?”

Talk to the dog! “You are such a little cookie, I hope your owner takes a good care of you.”


Dogs’ owners love to share dog stories, so prepare 2-3 good personal stories like: “When I was a little boy, we had this cute pit bull and he used to sleep in my bed…”

You can also start flirting with the girl through the dog:

“You are so beautiful… even more beautiful than your owner.”

“I can see your owner takes care of you, you are as cute as she is.”

He Uses His Dog to Ease Shyness — His and Yours

For both men and women, striking up a conversation with someone new can be intimidating. Having a dog in tow helps remove social barriers and makes it easier to break the ice. This tactic did not go unnoticed by my male roommates in college. They would beg to take my Pugs on walks around campus, largely because the amount of attention they received when the Pugs were present was unparalleled. Women would stop to pet the dogs and an instant connection between them and my male friends would be formed. And its not just young single men who can benefit from having a dog — I’ve seen this work for men of all ages. One of my training clients, an eligible but rather bashful man of retirement age, has been given ample help by his beloved German Shepherd in striking up conversations and setting up dates with women he would otherwise be too reserved to approach.


Making the first move on dating apps is no easy feat. When you’re feeling uninspired, coming up with an opening line that goes beyond “Hey, what’s up?” is tough — especially when your new match’s profile gives you nothing to work with. But as soon as you spot a dog in one of their photos, you might have an in. That is, as long as you love pets, too. (Be sincere — don’t tell them you love dogs if you actually can’t stand them, if you’re allergic to them, or if you are actually a cat person.) Send your match one of these dog-themed pick up lines, and you might just be on a walk in the park in no time.

Some of these openers aren’t dog pick up lines as much as they are questions and conversation starters about dogs, but all of them should help you win over anyone who has a special bond with their pup. A few are on the (very) corny side, but when it comes to dating apps like Tinder, anything goes. Besides, a dog lover might appreciate your ruff sense of humor.

Remember: Dating should be fun! Dont be afraid to keep your opening lines light and not take yourself too seriously. If your match isn’t into it, well, thats a bummer, but there are plenty of other cute pups in the dog park. Onto the next!More like this

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