How do you get dog hair out of a microfiber couch? A Step-by-Step Guide

Remove dog hair from your couch with the vacuum cleaner

One of the easiest ways that pet owners can get dog hair off their couches with their vacuum is to use upholstery tools

I know it can be a pain to use the brush attachment but it really is the best way to get some of that stubborn pet hair off your couch cushions because that’s what it is made for!

You will probably need to go over your couch a few times and in different directions, making sure to clean the attachment as needed with your fingers.

I currently have the Shark ZU62 Navigator Self-Cleaning Brushroll Pet Pro Upright Vacuum and it has a great attachment for the couch.

Take it off using a tape

If you have seen people do it to their clothes, you can do it on your microfiber sofa too. This is ideal for manageable areas; however, this may be expensive and exhausting if you are planning on working on larger areas. The process works by getting a duct tape or a masking tape and peeling off the non-stick area. Position the sticky side of the tape on your couch and leave it there for a few minutes. Once you feel that it has completely set, pull, and peel it until all the pet hair on the couch is removed. Try not to leave it too long as it may cause damage to your surface.

Useful Tips on How to Remove Pet Hair from a Microfiber Couch

How to Remove Pet Hair from a Microfiber CouchA microfiber couch may seem like a big deal once infested with pet hair, but do not let this get to you. Pet cleaning tools are vital essentials because these will save you from a couch full of hairballs. We have prepared a couple of ways that you can effectively get rid of your pet’s hair. Yes, you can still enjoy your pet’s company while seeing a microfiber couch that is pet hair-free.

If you think squeegees can only be used to clean windows, it’s time that we add another one to your list. Did you know that you can remove pet hair from a microfiber couch using a squeegee? Simply spray a bit of water into your couch and then scrape it gently with a squeegee. You will be surprised to see it come off easily.

Another hack to get rid of pet hair on a couch is to use an antistatic dusting spray like Static Guard. This method works instantly and really helps, especially if you are vacuuming your dog hair after applying the spray solution. This spray makes it real easy for picking up dog hair that is stuck on hard to get places.

Since microfiber has a smaller pile compared to other materials, you can expect pet hair to come off of it easier as compared to others. To get rid of pesky hair from your microfiber couch, you can use a rubber brush with short-bristles.

As you press hard to rub the surface, you will notice the hair clumping and creating a bunch together. Once all of the hair has formed a clump, you can easily grab it off your couch. Rubber tools are becoming popular because they are effective.

Remove Dog or Cat Hair from Couch or Pet Bed Fast and Easy|| Genius Cleaning Hack ‍ ✨✨

Theyre part of your family and beloved companions, but some dogs shed a great deal. Their hair and fur seem to get on to every surface of your home, from carpeting to chairs to couches. Waiting too long to clean up pet hair can make your home look unclean and make it difficult to get off the couch. Pet fur is also bad for allergy sufferers, and it can even start to smell unpleasant over time. Fortunately, the best pet hair remover for furniture may be something you already have at home.