How do you get poop off a dog’s paw? Simple and Effective Tips

#1 Top Way to Clean Dirty Dog Paws – Wipe Feet

Dirty Dog Paws, Dog Sitting on Mat in Front of DoorKeep a bathmat right inside the back door where the dog comes in.

Always take the dog out the same door so that as he comes in there’s that little cleaning station for his dog paws.

This will train your dog to do the same routine every time he comes in the door.

If you’re always taking him out a different door, he gets confused, so take him in and out the same door.

Okay, so as he comes in the door, there’s a bathmat. Bathmats have a rubbery bottom to them and they are absorbent. So as the dog comes in, train him to stop, and to rub his paws down, and to clean them off.

You’re out on a lovely walk, noting the beauty of the day. Your dog poops. A responsible owner, you reach for your dog poop bags, but before you begin your descent towards your dog’s latest poop art piece, a kindly stranger asks you for directions to a nearby store.

The sun shines, birds chirp and your dog (whom you’ve been home with all day) goes into an attention-starved panic, as you take 30 seconds to point your neighbor in the right direction. You feel the wild tug of a mad dog at the end of the leash and before you can yell a slow motion “Nooooooo,” your dog takes a leap into the pile of poop he seems to forgotten he left there only moments ago. Poop-tastrophe.

You stand there in shame, glad that the stranger was far enough away to not witness the Poop-ocalypse that just occurred. And then like any good pet parent, you move into action.

3. Look for nearby grass. Hopefully this occurred on grass, but if not not, walk your dog to the nearest grass. Nature’s doormat will at least help pull off the majority of the poop that ended up on their feet. If your dog is somehow covered-in poop. This step will only prolong the inevitable confrontation with your poop-covered dog, proceed to the next step.

Listen: 3 Top Ways to Clean Dirty Dog Paws

Today’s question is about how to get dirty dog paws clean, so we’re going to be discussing that today. All right, so the question came in from a homeowner. “My dogs run all over the house, and they leave a mess with their little dirty dog paws. How do you clean dirty dog paws?” And so here are the top three ways.

How to Get Poop Off Your Dog/ Puppy’s Butt | Sarah Says Pets #TrainedbySarahHodgson

It started with a drop and roll and before I knew it, I had a stinky puppy. I didn’t realize how bad he smelled until we got into the car to drive home. We were at a soccer game an hour away from home. Thank goodness it was summer, and we could open the windows.

I will never forget that day our dog rolled in goose poop, and little did I know that would be the first of many poops I’d be washing off his fur.

We bathed him as soon as we got home, but he still stunk. Second bath, still smelly. The third time we used a special home remedy and like magic, the smell was gone… keep reading to get the all-natural mixture we used.