How do you get rid of ear mites in dogs? A Comprehensive Guide

What Are the Causes of Ear Mites in Dogs?

Dogs can get ear mites by being around other animals that are infected, especially if they sleep in the same area or bed.

The mite life cycle is important to understanding how dogs get ear mites. Eggs are laid, and then over the next three weeks, they turn into adult mites as they progress through various growth stages.2 Adult mites can live for approximately two months.

The mites feed on your dog’s skin and ear surface debris, which causes inflammation and irritation. Since this mite is contagious, it is transmitted from one animal to another through physical contact.

Since ear mites are so contagious, when your dog is diagnosed, you have to also treat all of your other pets at the same time to eliminate them completely.

What Are Ear Mites in Dogs?

Ear mites in dogs are highly contagious parasites that live on skin surfaces and in ear canals.

The dog ear mite belongs to the Psoroptidae family, which is a group of parasitic mites that live on the surface of the skin rather than burrowing into it, as some families of mites do.

Their scientific name is Otodectes cynotis, and they tend to be 1-2 millimeters long and can be seen under a microscope. These mites affect various species, including dogs, cats, rabbits, and livestock.1

How Do Dogs Get Ear Mites?

Ear mites are contagious and move very quickly. Common causes of infection include:

  • Dogs sleeping or playing together: Few things are cuter than seeing dogs cuddle with each other, but close contact among animals provides an easy way for mites to travel from dog to dog.
  • Contact with infected objects: Grooming equipment, brushes and even cages can also serve as a source for infection.
  • Being outdoors: Coming in contact with stray cats or infected wildlife like foxes can lead to an ear mite infection.
  • Owning a cat: Cats more commonly harbor ear mites than dogs and can easily transfer them to your dog through close contact or contaminated objects. This is especially a concern for cats that spend time outdoors.
  • Ear Mites in Dogs and How to Treat Them.

    While yeast and bacteria are frequently to blame for dog ear infections, an infestation of ear mites can lead to similar symptoms, including head shaking and scratching their ears and head. Read on to discover how dogs get ear mites, how you can get rid of these tiny parasites, and what you can do to prevent them from bothering your four-legged bestie.

    Ear mites are parasites that feed off skin oils and ear wax, along with other materials found in and around a dog’s ears. Though tiny, mites can cause quite a bit of discomfort and irritation for your pup. Dog ear mites are related to ticks and spiders; they are all arachnids. By far, the most common type of ear mite in dogs is otodectes cynotis.