How do you keep a dog cool in the back of an SUV? Here’s What to Do Next

Why Leave My Dog In The Car At All?

In the UK we are used to what feels sometimes like two weeks of Summer. As the temperature rises it is only natural that we like to capture the good weather and spend as much time in the outdoors with our family and pets as we possibly can.

There are many dog activities and sports that run in all seasons, keeping your dog safe and comfortable is essential. For example, at Boomerang Dogs we run responsible mantrailing training all throughout the year, come rain or shine.

Cool Dog Tailgate Lock

How do you keep a dog cool in the back of an SUV?

A key component to keeping your car cool is a good amount of airflow. This lock is designed specifically to allow airflow and ventilation by keeping the boot open but locked.

This works in combination with leaving your windows slightly open – I am sure you have experienced being in your apartment or house and having the front and back doors and windows open and noticing the gust of wind.

This product harnesses that same science by turning your car into a wind tunnel and allowing the air to rush through. The air flow is noticeable and you get goosebumps from the breeze

What makes this product stand out is that it offers security, you can feel safe knowing your boot is lock and someone can’t disturb, or worse, steal your dogs. With dog thefts on the rise this is a great option to provide some piece of mind.

This actually works amazing well with another product we like and use..

Digital Thermometer

This is a little known trick we use – if you are a worrier, or just like to be extra sure it’s not too hot inside your car then we recommend picking one of these up.

It will not directly keep your car cooler but you can be more sure that the car is at a cool and comfortable level for your dog. Always use this product as a guide rather than taking it for absolute information – we always recommend checking that you are in range, that the battery in the thermometer are charged and that you are regularly checking on your dog.

How To Add Air Conditioning In The Back Of An SUV Or Truck For Your Favorite Dog, K9, Puppy, Pet