How do you keep an old dog active? Essential Tips

Take your senior dog for regular vet visits

This is one of the most important things you can do to keep your senior dog healthy. Regular vet visits and lab testing often allow you to catch health issues before they become clinically obvious, meaning they’re easier (and less expensive) to treat, offering a better prognosis for your dog. For healthy senior dogs, we recommend wellness visits at least once every six months with yearly lab work. Dogs with health conditions and geriatric dogs may need more frequent check-ups and bloodwork. Vet visits will also allow for discussion in regards to changing patterns your pet may be experiencing that may require specific medication recommendations.

Massage for bumps and lumps.

Pup-cuddling on the couch takes on an extra importance as dogs grow older. Petting your dog all over is the best way to catch anything odd on or under their skin.

Most senior-dog lumps are benign soft fatty tumors. They may only need to be removed if they cause your dog some discomfort. Other bumps could be a developing abscess, a painful cyst, or even a cancerous tumor that needs medical attention.

Any time you find something that just doesn’t feel right, note the location and size, and schedule a trip to the veterinarian. Addressing bumps right away means a more comfortable – and possibly longer – life for your dog.

1 Help your senior dog with grooming

As their mobility decreases, older dogs may not be able to reach all areas of their body as well as they used to, and they may struggle to keep themselves as well groomed. Set aside time regularly to brush them thoroughly, to remove any tangles and loose fur before it becomes matted. Depending on your dog’s coat and whether it’s shedding season, you may need to do this weekly, or every few days. Your dog may also need baths more frequently than they did before.

Grooming sessions are a great time to conduct a ‘once over’ on your dog to check for any lumps or bumps, as mentioned earlier.

How To Care For A Senior Dog – For Dogs 8+ Years Old – Professional Dog Training Tips

Just like humans, senior dogs need extra care as they grow old. As an owner, it’s important to be mindful of all the ways you can help to maximize your dog’s quality of life during their golden years – especially those you can start while your pup is still young! Read on for our top tips on how to keep your dog in prime condition as they age.