How do you know if you have a blue fawn pitbull? Simple and Effective Tips

Training and exercise needs of a Blue Fawn Pitbull

When it comes to training, most of your focus should be on socialization. While it isn’t fair, Pitbulls are more likely to be considered aggressive than other breeds. Therefore, it is extra-important that your dog is well-socialized, which will prevent them from showing fear-based aggression when introduced to new situations.

Socialization is pretty easy to accomplish with this breed, though. Their natural confidence and outgoing nature mean that they usually approach new situations with optimism. Your job is simply to ensure that they are introduced to many different people and situations at a young age. This will prevent them from being scared when they are older, which limits the chance for aggression.

These dogs have strong jaws and love to chew. Many owners struggle with destructiveness and have to crate their Pitbulls when they are unsupervised, in addition to provide plenty of appropriate chew items.

Puppy classes are a great option for this breed, as they provide a suitable opportunity for socialization in a safe space. However, you shouldn’t rely on these puppy classes only. Be sure that you also introduce your dog to other situations as well.

Because this breed has strong prey drive, you should be very careful with Pitbulls around smaller pets. They should especially never be allowed to fight or chase cats or other dogs.

These dogs are quite easy to train due to their higher intelligence and people-pleasing natures. They are not particularly stubborn when it comes to training and following commands. However, they are extremely distractable, especially when new people are involved. It is common for them to have “selective hearing” in these situations.

They cannot be trusted off-leash for this reason. Their recall command is never going to be very reliable, which can get them into trouble. Make sure to always keep your Pitbull on a collar (or harness) and leash.

Pitbulls are pretty healthy. Like all breeds, they are prone to a few different health problems, though. Many pitbulls have hip dysplasia, which is a condition that affects the use of the hips. This problem is characterized by the dog’s hip socket not fitting together properly. This causes the ball and socket to rub against each other, causing extra wear.

Usually, hip dysplasia affects larger dogs. However, even though Pitbulls fit in the medium-sized category, they seem to be much more affected by it than most breeds.

Similarly to hip dysplasia, they are also affected by kneecap problems. Usually, the kneecap sits in a small grove on the front of the femur. However, in some dogs, this groove is not shaped properly to hold the kneecap in place. Sometimes, it can slide out from its usual place and damage the surrounding tissue.

How do you know if you have a blue fawn pitbull?

This can be caused by injury and environmental issues. However, genetics can also play a role. Sometimes, an injury pushes the kneecap out of place. Other times, the groove can simply not fit the kneecap, to begin with.

Degenerative myelopathy affects a large percentage of Pitbulls. According to some records, upwards of 18% of Pitbulls are directly affected by this disease. However, this only includes dogs that show symptoms. Because this is a recessive trait, many dogs carry a single gene and never show symptoms. Therefore, the rate of carriers is probably very high.

Simply put, this condition causes the spinal column to slowly degenerate over the dog’s lifespan. This causes progressing weakness in the dog’s back legs. Usually, it starts with muscle weakness that is often easily mistaken for hip dysplasia or a similar disease. However, paralysis slowly occurs. While the legs are just affected at first, the bladder and urinary tract are eventually affected as well.

There is no cure for this disease. Typically, vets use supportive therapy like exercise to slow the progression of this disease. However, all dogs will eventually become paralyzed, needing a cart to help them get around.

Congenital heart defects are somewhat common in Pitbulls as well. These are heart malformations that occur when the fetus is developing, so they are with the dog when they are born. Many are benign and don’t cause any problem. Some are extremely serious when the puppy is born, usually leading to their death at a young age. Others are unnoticeable until later when their weakening heart begins to fail.

Many of these conditions are genetic. Therefore, it is important for breeding dogs to be tested before they produce puppies. A genetic heart defect can easily hide until a breeding dog is older and has already passed the gene onto dozens of puppies. This is one reason why purchasing from a breeder is so important. They usually test their dog before breeding.

All Pitbulls are prone to Demodex Mange, including those with the Blue Fawn coloration. In most dogs, this disease is minor. It causes the dog to lose fur in small areas where the infection is occurring. This is referred to as a “localized” infection. Usually, some medication from the vet quickly clears up this condition.

However, some Pitbulls carry a trait that compromises their immune system in response to this mange. They simply don’t fight it off like other dogs. Their whole body will be affected, causing them to lose fur everywhere. Their skin will often bleed without treatment, causing them to scab over before bleeding again. This is referred to as a “generalized” infection.

These dogs are a bit more complicated to treat. Ivermectin injections are often provided, but other medications may be needed as well. It isn’t that this disease is deadly. It is just harder to treat because the dog’s immune system isn’t helping.

Pitbulls are well-known for having an immunodeficiency towards parvovirus as well. They are more likely to get it and develop serious symptoms quickly. Luckily, there is a vaccination for this condition. It is important that you vaccinate your Blue Fawn Pitbull correctly to prevent this disease.

Pitbulls do not require much grooming. In this circumstance, they are quite low-maintenance. Their coat is short and smooth, so you don’t have to worry about matting or anything of that sort.

Still, we do recommend a weekly brushing routine, as Pitbulls do shed quite profusely. While the Blue Fawn Pitbull’s fur won’t be as dark and noticeable as other colors, it can easily coat your home if left unattended. A slicker brush can help remove the excess fur with some ease. These grooming sessions will also remove other dirt and debris from the dog’s coat, elongating the time you can go between baths. It also helps spread the natural oils in their fur, keeping their coat shiny and healthy.

Pitbulls don’t need baths extremely often. However, you should plan on bathing them around every two months. More than this can dry out their coat, so we typically don’t recommend it. A dry coat will get dirtier faster and cause skin irritation. Luckily, the blue fawn color usually doesn’t get very dingy looking quickly.

Like all dogs, you should keep their teeth fairly clean using dog-safe toothpaste. Dental chews and simply giving your dog dry food are not reliable ways of keeping your dog’s teeth clean. For this reason, they simply must use toothpaste and a toothbrush. Use them 3-4 times a week.

You should trim your dog’s nails as well, ensuring that they don’t get too long. Long nails are hard to walk on and can cause splits, which can be extremely painful and a common source of infections.

While these dogs aren’t prone to ear infections, it is still important to keep an eye on their ears. Infections are usually caused when dirt and debris get in the ear and stay there. Cleaning can go far to prevent this. Clean out your dog’s ears with a wet cotton ball anytime you notice that they’re getting dirty.

How do you know if you have a blue fawn pitbull?

Pitbulls are a very common breed in the United States. In fact, they were once considered to be the American breed and were used on wartime posters throughout the two World Wars. While they are generally less popular today than they were then, it is very easy to find them as shelters and animal rescues.

There are many breed-specific rescues out there. These often have many dogs at a time, making them a good place to look when you’re set on a particular color like blue fawn. Your local animal shelter is a good option as well.

Adopting your dog from a rescue is typically the cheapest option. Most shelters only charge $100 to $400 for each dog. Puppies are usually more expensive since they require more vet care while at the rescue. Pitbulls often have a bad reputation, so many of them sit in the shelter for longer than other dogs. Some rescues provide a discount on these dogs for this reason.

You can also find Pitbulls at many breeders. Due to their popularity, it isn’t very odd to find breeders that specialize in this breed. Many specialize in particular colorations, so this may be your best option if you’re looking for a Blue Fawn Pitbull specifically. This is a rarer coloration, so it may be difficult to find at a rescue.

Furthermore, breeders provide the proper health testing for their dogs that prevents certain genetic conditions from being passed on. This isn’t necessarily the case for dogs bred by people who aren’t breeders. This can lower the amount you spend on vet bills over the long run.

However, breeders are often more expensive than rescues. This is largely because of all the extra money they put into their dogs.

Blue Fawn vs Blue nose

Both Blue Fawn and blue nose Pitbull are similar in that they both have blue noses. As such, both dogs will have similar skin pigmentation caused by the dilution gene.

The only specific is that a blue fawn dog will have a yellowish coat.

How do you know if you have a blue fawn pitbull?

The genes responsible for the blue fawn coloration will not affect the dog’s behavioral traits.

The Pitbull will remain a sweet, gentle, energetic, friendly, and family-oriented pooch that does well with children and other pets.

A Blue Fawn Pitbull will cost around $1500 on average. The price can be as low as $1000 to as high as $3000 depending on the breeder, location, and demand.

With such a hefty price tag, ensure you get your pup from a reputable breeder with good breeding and puppy care practices.

How Big Do Blue Fawn Pitbulls Get When Fully Grown?

The size of a blue fawn Pitbull varies depending on the genes they inherited from their parents. But generally, they may weigh 40 to 70 pounds. This body mass is slightly different between the male and the female pups.

Male blue fawn Pits are more massive than the female ones, just like other dog breeds. They may weigh 55 to 70 pounds when fully grown. On the other hand, female blue fawn Pitbulls weigh between 40 to 55 pounds when mature.

With regards to height, male pups are also a tad bit taller. They measure 18 to 19 inches up to the shoulder. Meanwhile, female pups measure 17 to 18 inches.

Blue Fawn Pitbull – Is This The Most Beautiful Pitbull Color?

While Pit Bulls are some of the most awesome, loyal, and fun dogs to own, they are also probably the most feared dogs around the globe. They are associated with attacking people (including their owners), dog fighting, and serving as guard/protection dogs for drug dealers. In particular, their bites are often considered to be more dangerous than other dogs’. In fact, many cities have passed legislation that outlaws owning Pit Bulls.

However, people who have owned Pit Bulls understandthat these dogs are not predisposed to aggression and all that negative pressabout them is based on myths and misinformation.

Aggressive behaviors often come from a dog’s environment. If you treat a Pit Bull well, you will end up with one of the most loyal dogs that you can ever find. Some studies have even shown that Pit Bulls have lower temperaments than many other popular breeds, including Chihuahuas and beagles.

There are many types of Pit Bulls out there but thetwo specific breeds that stand out from the crowd are the Blue Nose Pit Bulland the Blue Fawn Pit Bull. Many dog parents love these two types of Pit Bullbecause of their amazing physical characteristics and temperament. In thispost, we will focus on just one: BlueFawn Pit Bull.

What should you expect when you decide to adopt thisPit Bull? Is a Blue Fawn Pit Bull for you? Is Blue Fawn Pit Bull recommended forfirst-time dog owners? To help you learn more about these dogs and hopefullyanswer the above questions, we’ll highlight some of the top pros and cons ofowning a Blue Fawn Pit Bull.

Pro Tip: Although many people consider Pit Bull a breed, it is not. ‘Pit Bull’ is a general name that is usually used to refer to dogs that share certain traits. The American Pit Bull Terrier is one of the few breeds that are accepted by organizations like the United Kennel Club (UKC) as a breed of their own. When people mention “Pit Bulls”, they could be referring to breeds like the American Staffordshire terrier, American bulldog, English bull terrier, Staffordshire bull terrier, or American pit bull terrier.