How do you stop food aggression in puppies? Let’s Explore

Add more food to the bowl

One thing you can do from the first day you bring your puppy home, before they are showing any signs of food aggression, is to approach the bowl to add more food. This trick turns number 2 on its head by teaching dogs that its actually a great thing when you approach their bowl – you arent going to take it away; youre going to give them more!

Put three-quarters of their meal in their bowl, then let them start eating. Stand nearby and, once theyre tucking in, call their name and ask them to sit. If they do so, you can give them a high-value treat such as chicken, while putting the rest of their meal into the bowl.

This can work well for dogs that arent yet food aggressive or are in the very early stages. It shouldnt be attempted in dogs that are already very stressed by humans near their bowls.

What Is Food Aggression in Dogs?

Food aggression in dogs is relatively common. A study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science showed that roughly 20% of dogs exhibit signs of food aggression. The behavior stems from dogs in the wild needing to carefully guard their resources. If they feel there’s a threat to their food (or anything they deem valuable), they will become hostile to protect it.

If you live alone with your pup, you might think this isn’t too big a deal. You’ll just leave your dog alone when they eat. However, it becomes a real problem when you have children in the house, hire a pet sitter, or get another pet. Therefore, if your pup shows signs of food aggression, it’s always best to resolve the issue.

Talk to Your Dog While They Eat

Let your dog get used to your presence while they eat. Stand several feet away from your pup as they eat and talk to them. Don’t move toward them. Speak to your dog in a calm, positive voice. Repeat this step over several mealtimes until you notice your dog relaxing.

How to STOP “Food Aggression”/ Resource Guarding in Dogs- WITHOUT FORCE

When a dog shows aggression to protect his food, it can be a serious issue. Not only is there the danger of other dogs or humans in the house being bitten, but over time it can lead to the dog becoming possessive over everything.