How do you tell if my dog is impacted? Here’s What to Expect

What are the symptoms of intestinal blockages in dogs?

How do you determine whether your dog has an intestinal obstruction? Unless you have seen your dog swallow a foreign object, symptoms of dog intestinal blockage are usually dismissed as an upset stomach. Symptoms include the following:

  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhea
  • Straining or unable to poop
  • Painful abdomen to the touch
  • Whining
  • Bloating
  • Dehydration
  • Restlessness
  • Aggressive behavior when the abdomen is touched
  • If you think your dog ingested something suspicious or they are exhibiting the symptoms listed below, call your veterinarian as soon as possible.

    What Are The Most Common Causes of Constipation in Dogs?

    Ingested toys, gravel, plants, dirt, and bones caught in the intestinal tract are some of the most common causes of a dog’s constipation.

    Your dog can also get constipated as a result of not exercising, too much fiber in the dog’s diet, and even becoming dehydrated as a result of other illnesses. Occasionally, a dog’s constipation is caused by blocked, abscessed, or enlarged anal sacs or prostate glands.

    Even excessive self-grooming or the lack thereof can lead to a dog’s constipation if there is a large amount of hair deposited in the stool or matted hair surrounding the anus.

    Other causes of constipation in dogs include:

  • An adverse reaction to a medication can be the underlying cause
  • An orthopedic problem that causes pain during a bowel movement
  • Changing your dog’s diet suddenly or trying new foods
  • Disorders of the nervous system as well as obstructions by tumors on the anus or within the rectum
  • A painful abdomen injury or pelvic trauma that causes discomfort when the dog is passing feces
  • Causes Of Fecal Impaction In Dogs

    How do you tell if my dog is impacted?

    Fecal impaction happens when a dog is unable to pass stools as usual.

    Some of the reasons why a dog might be having trouble passing their stools include:

  • Not drinking enough water
  • Not having enough fiber in their diet
  • Eating small, foreign objects like toys, stones, or plants
  • Not getting enough exercise
  • Trauma
  • How to Recognize Constipation in a Dog : Dog’s Health

    In terms of digestive issues in dogs, constipation is one of the most common issues seen by our Stockton vets. You might not think its too serious, but constipation can be life-threatening depending on the underlying cause.

    If your pups bowel movements are infrequent, difficult for them to pass or absent, your pet is likely suffering from constipation.

    Its important for pet parents to know that the inability to pass feces or pain associated with passing feces is considered a veterinary medical emergency and requires urgent care!

    If your dog is straining when attempting to pass a stool and/or is producing hard, dry stools, these are also considered signs that your dog should be examined by a vet as soon as possible.

    In some cases, dogs may pass mucus when trying to defecate, circle excessively, scoot along the ground, or squat frequently without defecating. If you press on their stomach or lower back, they may have a tense, painful abdomen that causes them to growl or cry.

    There are a number of possible causes of constipation in dogs, some of the most common include:

    Elderly pets may experience constipation more often. However, any dog that faces one or more of the scenarios above can suffer from constipation.