How do you tell if your puppy is a healthy weight? Here’s What to Expect

2 Profile Check:

View your standing dog from a side-on angle. It’s best if you are level with your pet so you get the most accurate view.

For dogs to lead an active, healthy life it is important for them to maintain a healthy body weight, and as a dog owner it is your responsibility to ensure that they do so. The most important factors to consider when it comes to your pets weight are the intensity with which it exercises, how often it gets to do so, and, of course, its daily food intake.

The results of in-depth study carried out by Purina Pet Food and professional animal nutritionists in 2002 showed that by eating a properly regulated diet, dogs can live almost two years longer; which is quite a difference considering that the average lifespan of a dog is between ten and thirteen years. There are clear benefits to maintaining your dogs weight at a healthy level, but how do you know if your dog is at the correct weight?

If you are concerned your dog is underweight or overweight, you can get an accurate answer to this question by visiting a vet or pet nutritionist, but there are a few simple ways of finding out for yourself if your dog requires a lifestyle change.

How can I check my dog’s body condition?

Your dog’s body condition is a great way to easily check whether your dog is in good shape or not and it can be carried out easily at home.

To find out how to check, just watch the video below with our ambassador, Rory the Vet.

STEP 1: Feel their ribs. Run your fingers along their ribs – you want to be able to count them fairly easily – if you can’t they might be carrying a bit too much weight.

STEP 2: Feel their spine. You should be able to feel the length of it fairly easily. Again, if you struggle to do so, they might be carrying a little too much weight.

STEP 3: Check their waist and belly. You should be able to see a nice clear tuck in at the belly from the side and when looking down.

How do you tell if your puppy is a healthy weight?

How to know if your dog is a healthy weight?