How do you treat a hematoma on a dog’s ear at home? Tips and Tricks

What Causes Ear Hematomas In Dogs?

Hematomas are the result of trauma. The most common types of trauma that cause ear hematomas are excessive scratching or head shaking. That means your dog may be more likely to get a hematoma if he’s dealing with …

  • Allergies
  • Ear infections
  • Ear mites
  • Ticks
  • Insect bites
  • Foreign objects inside of the ear can also cause discomfort that leads to excessive head shaking and scratching.

    Another common cause of ear hematomas is bite wounds that don’t break the skin.

    What Is Aural Hematoma?

    A dog ear hematoma is the collection of blood outside of a blood vessel. It’s sometimes referred to a blood blister.

    The most common type of hematoma in dogs is an ear hematoma (or aural hematoma). These happen when a blood vessel bursts and bleeds between the cartilage and skin of the outer ear.

    Ear hematomas vary in size and appearance. They can be small and affect only a portion of the ear … or they can be so large that they block the ear canal and affect how the ear hangs or stands up.

    They look like a blister, though they may not be as red as a regular blood blister. There will be obvious swelling and a firm swollen mass on the earflap that can feel spongy or like a water balloon. While it may look like it’s about to burst, hematomas rarely do. But they can be very painful for your dog, especially to the touch.

    Can home remedies help an ear hematoma?

    There are some home remedies believed to be effective in healing hematomas. However, you should always have a veterinarian approve ANY home treatment. There is always the chance your dog may react badly to home treatment. Common at-home treatments for hematomas are:

  • Arnica, best for simple hematomas, Arnica is a homeopathic remedy applied directly to the hematoma. It is believed to help the blood resorb quicker.
  • Leeches, applied directly to the hematoma, can help heal the hematoma as the saliva prevents blood from clotting. Leeches can be purchased online.
  • Head Wraps; help keep ears secure, decreasing trauma from scratching or shaking. See this article to learn more.

    A hematoma is a localized mass of blood that is confined within an organ or tissue. An aural hematoma is a collection of blood, either fresh or clotted, within the pinna (ear flap). When a hematoma is present, the pinna will appear very thick and spongy. The swelling may involve the entire pinna, or it may involve only one area of the ear.