How do you walk a dog for an interview? Simple and Effective Tips

Do you have any preferences when it comes to dog breeds? Are you scared of any dogs?

You should show no prejudice in the interview. Of course, you can name your favorite breed, or perhaps even a favorite size of the dog. If you are a tiny woman, you may find it hard to hold a big Alaskan Malamute, when it decides to pursue some other dog, or to simply run away.

That’s completely fine and normal. But you should not be extremely selective, and you shouldn’t call any breed unmanageable. Say that you believe that all dogs deserve our attention and regular walks, but perhaps because of your physical limitations, it would be better if you worked with smaller breeds.

Of course if you feel ready for big calibers, you can simply say that you have no preferences at all.

How do you walk a dog for an interview?

Why do you want to work as a dog walker?

Love for dogs goes without saying, but it’s not the only thing you should refer to in this interview. You should also explain what role does this job play in your life, in your present situation. Perhaps you go to school, and want to earn some extra money. And since you have lectures only in the morning, you can take dogs for walk in the afternoon and in the evenings. You will learn something more about dogs, animals you truly love, and at the same time earn some cash.

Or you want to have a dog badly, but your partner, or your parents, don’t support your idea. Instead of mourning about your fate, you decided to apply for a job of a dog walker. It allows you to learn more about dogs, and most importantly spend some time with the animals, though you have to wait to get your own puppy. Few extra dollars you earn here and there are also a nice bonus…

What Do You Do If There Is An Emergency?

This is important because you want to make sure your dog is taken care of if something wrong happens. A dog walker who at least has a plan will keep your dog safer in a stressful situation than someone trying to figure things out as they go.

What Nobody Tells You About Dog Walking