How does neutering affect a dog’s personality? Essential Tips

Common Behavioral Changes Associated with Spaying and Neutering

Although spaying and neutering procedures are pretty normal and considered “standard” for pet dogs, they are quite significant from your pet’s point of view. For starters, they’ll alter the hormones produced by your dog, and they can also trigger a number of behavioral changes.

However, there is a lot of variation in these changes, and different dogs will react to the procedures in different ways. While most owners will choose to have this procedure done at some point, there are many pros and cons to spaying and neutering a dog at various life stages.

Typically, males experience greater behavioral changes than females following a neutering or spaying operation, but females can experience a few changes too.

Some of the most common changes include:

Many male dogs will stop mounting and humping other dogs, their owner’s legs, and inanimate objects once they’re neutered. Others will continue to do so from time to time, especially if the dog was neutered relatively late in life.

Most males will become less likely to wander off in search of romance after being neutered. This can be especially helpful for dogs who always seem to be interested in escaping from the backyard or bolting when you open the door.

Males are generally less likely to exhibit urine marking around the house after being neutered. This doesn’t mean that dogs who are poorly house-trained will suddenly start waiting to go outside before tinkling, but it will stop the territorial “marking” behavior that many males exhibit (you may finally be able to ditch those belly bands).

Some male dogs may exhibit fewer aggressive behaviors after being neutered. However, this usually only works well if they’re neutered very early in life.

Some females may calm down a bit after being spayed, although others will act just like they did before the operation.

Note that these are all long-term changes which will manifest over the course of weeks or months following the operation. There are also short-term changes that you should expect in the hours or days following your dog’s spaying or neutering operation.

Some of the most common behavioral changes you may notice soon after bringing your dog home include:

  • Lethargy
  • Confusion (your dog may essentially act stoned)
  • Changes in appetite
  • Mild anxiety or depression
  • Increased clinginess
  • Frequent urination or accidents
  • Excessive sleepiness
  • Most of these types of problems will resolve within a day or so, and many of them — such as lethargy and confusion — are likely to be the result of the anaesthetic wearing off rather than the actual spaying or neutering procedure.

    Nevertheless, don’t hesitate to contact your vet if they persist or if your dog begins displaying symptoms of an infection. This may include vomiting, pain or swelling that doesn’t subside, discharge from the wound, or any other trouble effects of spaying or neutering your pet. Also watch out for behavioral changes, such as an increase in aggression.

    What Is Involved in Spaying and Neutering Procedures?

    Now that you understand some of the most common behavioral changes that follow spaying and neutering operations, let’s discuss exactly what happens when you have your dog spayed or neutered.

    Most vets will require you to bring your dog in several days to a week before the procedure to verify that your dog is healthy enough for the operation and to obtain and analyze a blood sample.

    This will help ensure that your dog’s kidneys and liver are functioning well enough to handle the anesthesia medication, among other things.

    Assuming that everything checks out, you’ll be instructed to bring your dog in at a scheduled time. You’ll typically need to withhold food for some time before the procedure (likely 12 to 24 hours, but it varies from vet to vet), and you’ll want to go for a fairly long walk before the procedure to make sure your dog is completely “empty.”

    Aside from that, you’ll want to keep everything as normal as possible so that your pup goes into the office relaxed and happy.

    Both procedures occur under general anesthesia and take 20 to 90 minutes (spaying takes longer than neutering), although your dog will probably be at the vet for several hours to allow time for pre-op prep and post-op recovery.

    A combination of several different anesthesia medications are often used during the procedure to ensure your dog remains unconscious and pain-free (or nearly so) throughout the process.

    This typically involves an initial injection a short time before the operation starts, which will start calming your dog down and making him or her feel drowsy.

    Once back in the operating room, your dog will likely have an IV line inserted into the front leg, through which additional anesthesia and pain-relieving drugs are administered (and perhaps saline too). A tube will then be threaded down your dog’s windpipe so that anesthetic gas and oxygen can be delivered throughout the operation.

    From this point on, things are a bit different for boy pups and girl pups, so we’ll discuss the procedures separately.


    Neutering is the term used to describe neuter surgery — the process by which male dogs are sterilized, although it is also called castration in some contexts. The beginning of a neutering procedure will unfold just as a spaying procedure does.

    Your dog will be administered anesthesia and prepped for surgery. Your dog’s scrotum may be shaved and the entire area sterilized. At this point, an incision will be made in the front side of the scrotum, near the base of the penis (sorry fellas, I assure you that was harder for me to type than it was for you to read).

    Both testicles will then be removed and the associated blood vessels and the spermatic cords (vas deferens) will be tied off. The vet will examine the area, ensure everything looks OK, and then sew up the scrotum. The staff will then begin waking your dog up, and they’ll monitor him for a while before releasing him back to you.

    You’ll likely be instructed to keep your boy calm for a few days while he recovers (and you may need some kind of e-collar to stop him for chewing at the wound).

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