How does smoky air affect dogs? Find Out Here

What To Do With Your Pets When the Air Is Smoky

During wildfires, the air quality is often dangerous and hazardous to breathe. Some studies estimate that breathing the smoke-filled air is equivalent to smoking more than eight cigarettes a day — and that’s for a human! Brachycephalic breeds (such as Pugs and Bulldogs), puppies, and senior dogs may be especially at risk of inhaling too much smoke.

Here’s what to do if you experience poor air quality due to smoke:

  • Keep your pets inside as much as possible, with your windows shut
  • If your dog needs to go to the bathroom, only let them out for short periods of time
  • Avoid long walks and activities outdoors
  • Watch for signs of smoke inhalation (see below)
  • There are many ways to keep your pets busy and active while indoors!

    As irritating as smoke can be to people, it can cause health problems for animals as well. Smoke from wildfires and other large blazes affects pets, horses, livestock and wildlife. If you can see or feel the effects of smoke yourself, you also should take precautions to keep your animals – both pets and livestock – safe.

    Animals with cardiovascular or respiratory disease are especially at risk from smoke and should be closely watched during all periods of poor air quality. Look for the following signs of possible smoke or dust irritation in animals. If any of your animals are experiencing any of these signs, please consult your veterinarian.

    Clubs Offering:

    When wildfires ravage an area, both humans and pets are at risk of being displaced and inhaling dangerous amounts of smoke. Remember — if you feel the effects of smoke, your pets probably do, too. And if you ever have to evacuate your home, your pets should always go with you.

    If you’re in an area impacted by wildfires or smoke, don’t panic. Here’s how to prepare for an emergency, protect your pup from dangerous air quality, and evacuate safely.

    How smoking affects your pets – an expert view from a vet

    West Coast communities have seen increasing numbers of wildfires in recent years, causing record-high unhealthy or hazardous air last. With climate change, fire seasons are lasting longer and pet parents should be vigilant about how smoke might affect their furry best friends when the fires are burning, generally summer into fall.

    You may have noticed some changes in your pet’s behavior due to the smoke from recent fires. By taking your dog out on a walk with heavy smoke, or leaving doors and windows open, you are not only being exposed to poor air quality, but it can cause your cat or dog stress. Here’s why your pet may have reacted: