How long can you keep a dead dog body? Surprising Answer

Contact Your Veterinarian

If it is during normal business hours, your vets office can help talk you through the steps. They may also have a way of getting you in touch with someone who can pick up your pets body (like a pet crematory or mobile vet service). In some cases, your vets office may be able to store your pets body for a day or two while you make a decision about aftercare arrangements, such as cremation or burial. Your vets office should also be able to put you in contact with a local company to handle cremation or burial. Fortunately, most vets have a relationship with at least one local business that offers these services.

What Happens When a Dog Dies Naturally?

Before we discuss what you need to do and how long before your dead dog decomposes, we need to understand what naturally takes place when the animal is dying and dead. You can either realize what’s happening to your dog or you will need to deal with the death without ever seeing it coming.

But if you’re still given time to be with your dog during his final moments, then you may recognize some obvious signs that your beloved pet is about to go. Observe closely the following signs as this could be the end of your dog:

  • Your dog will take his final breath, and you may observe the body slightly deflate as there will be no more air inside the lungs
  • The body will become limp and the heart beat stops
  • All the body tension will be gone and all the bodily functions will relax. As a result, your dog will likely defecate or release urine
  • To ensure your dog is really dead, observe for signs of life for 30 minutes. If there’s none, then it’s time to deal with the dead body.
  • Why you shouldn’t bury your pet in the backyard?

    Backyard burial may seem like the easiest way to respectfully take care of your pet’s remains. Unfortunately, it can be dangerous for other pets and wildlife. … If your pet dies of a disease which could be spread to other animals or even people, their body might also pose a risk.

    When a Dog Is Buried in Your Yard, How Long Does it Take to Decompose?

    When my veterinarian told me that Daphne most likely had cancer, I was stunned. Although I knew something was amiss with my 15-year-old beagle’s health, I wasn’t ready to think about life without my trusty companion.

    Daphne had floppy ears and petite paws; she got me through the post-graduate school blues, more apartment moves than I can count, and a handful of relationships. It was her cold snoot on my leg that served as a calming presence when she would cuddle up under blankets with me at night.

    Although Daphne helped me through many “adult firsts,” I never assumed she would also become my first client as a death doula. But there she was, looking at me with her soulful, tired eyes, telling me in her way that it was her time to go, and she trusted me with the rest.

    In this piece, I explore the details of planning your pet’s euthanasia, transporting a deceased pet, in-home body care, and body aftercare options. Although these topics may seem daunting, you’ll discover many common worries concerning handling a pet after they have passed stem from the unknown.

    Even though you can’t plan for every in-home pet funeral mishap, you’ll find the topic easier to digest once the process is demystified.