How long does it take for dog face hair to grow back? Expert Advice

Reasons For Dogs Losing Their Hair

There are several reasons a dog might lose its hair. Understanding these reasons can help you determine whether you need medical intervention or wait it out.

  • Your dog is suffering from internal medical issues such as an impaired thyroid.
  • Your dog has hormonal imbalances, vitamin deficiencies, or skin irritations.
  • Your dog has allergies to food additives, fleas, or grass.
  • Your dog needs extensive grooming and needs to be shaved.
  • Your dog got into an accident that damaged some parts of the hair.
  • Your dog just underwent major surgery.
  • A dog’s hair growth cycle includes four stages. These are all predetermined by their genetics. Despite these predetermined natural growth stages, there are still factors that may impact the hair growth cycle. Some of these are the breed of the dog, the season, and the overall health and wellness of your dog. Let’s take a look at the four stages of dog hair growth:

  • Anagen Stage: This is the active phase when your dog’s hair grows. During the Anagen phase, your dog’s coat will continuously grow until it reaches its predetermined length. Depending on your dog’s breed, Anagen can last from 30 days to a full year. Poodles, for example, have a year or two of the Anagen phase.
  • Catagen Stage: Your dog’s hair will stop growing at this stage.
  • Telogen Stage: Also referred to as the “resting” phase, your dog’s hair is at rest at this stage, so there’s zero activity going on in your dog’s hair.
  • Exogen Phase: In simple terms, this is the shedding period of your dog where their hair starts to fall off to make way for the anagen phase.
  • The good news is, your dog’s hair will eventually grow back. It takes a minimum of six weeks for new hair to start growing after a cut or a shave. Unfortunately, if you’re looking for a more specific timeline on how long it will take for all of the hair on your dog’s body to grow back, it’s impossible to say. Different breeds and the type of dog (long-haired vs. short-haired) play a huge factor in determining hair growth. And genetics have their uncontrollable timeline. For example, a boxer will surely get all its hair back to standard length after shaving faster than a Border Collie or a Cocker Spaniel.

    Your dog’s overall diet and health condition also influence how fast or slow your dog’s hair grow back to its regular length. For example, most dogs complete their hair growth cycles in 130 days at a third or half an inch rate every month after shaving. In the latter days of those 130 days, your dog’s hair is mostly in the Telogen phase and just awaiting the shedding stage. On the other hand, puppies shed their fuzzy puppy hair to replace them with their adult coat once they reach three to six months of age. Unfortunately, it takes a whole year for their coats to complete the transition.

    Tips on how to make dog hair grow back faster:

    Omega-3 fats are a wonderful addition to your dog’s diet. They help promote healthy joints and skin and are essential for a healthy metabolism. Omega 3 fatty acids are found in many animal products such as fish, flax seeds, and even some vegetable oils.

    You can also provide your dog with these important fats by getting a rich source of cod liver oil. The Omega-3 fatty acids are a vital part of dog food.

    They are essential for maintaining the health of your dog and also for the health of your dog’s coat. Omega-3 fatty acids keep the skin, coat, and eyes healthy, help with healthy joints, and be useful for people who have arthritis.

    The average dog owner has probably heard that it is important to brush their dog’s coat to keep it healthy regularly, but how many people take the advice to heart?

    There are two main reasons why regularly brushing your dog’s fur is a good idea. First, it helps remove dead hair, and second, it encourages the hair to grow back in a more healthy and thicker state. Both of these things are essential if you want to keep your dog’s coat in a healthy, shiny state.

    A good brushing will have your dog covered in a thick layer of fur in no time. You can also brush your dog’s fur to make it grow. Brushing stimulates the follicles in the hair, which causes the follicle to produce hair. And, if you want it to grow faster, you can use a brush with different bristles. Brushing your dog’s fur can make it grow back faster.

    As anyone who has ever owned a dog knows, the constant shedding of your pet’s hair is a nuisance. Some people use a grooming comb to help control their dog’s shedding, but what if there’s an easier solution?

    Oatmeal shampoo is a great solution, as it’s made from ingredients that can naturally promote hair growth, soothe irritation and moisturize the skin. Some of these ingredients, such as oatmeal and honey, are natural moisturizers and can help conditions such as dry skin and eczema.

    Oatmeal is a natural remedy for shedding, so putting it in your dog’s shampoo is a clever way to have less shedding and less work. There are a few options for dog hair shampoo, but one of the most popular is a shampoo that combines oatmeal and coconut oil.

    Why won’t my dogs hair grow back after being shaved?

    While the experts believe the clipping of your pet’s fur for whatever reason and the lack of regrowth that may result may be caused by interrupting the natural development of the growing hair coat, (perhaps due to temperature changes) the fact remains that sometimes the normal haircoat is very slow to regrow.

    Shaved Goldendoodle, Day 1 vs 5 Months Later; How Long Does it Take for Doodle Hair to Grow Back?

    Generally, new hair growth is visible within a week or two. However, depending on the dog breed, the anogen or growth stage may last from one month to one year.