How Long Does K9 Advantix Take To Dry

Advantix should be applied after bathing your dog and the coat has completely dried. The impact of K9 Avantix remains for about 48 hours. This means that the earliest you can touch your furred friend is 48 hours or 2 days after applying K9 Advantix.

In most cases, the medication will dry within a day or 24 hours. That said, it’s important to note that the remnants stay on your dog’s skin for up to 48 hours. You will be able to tell just by looking whether the area is still wet or not. If wet, the area will appear darker or slick.

How Long Do I Wait To Touch My Dog After Applying Advantix?

The K9 Advantix manufacturers suggest that you wait until the topical solution has completely dried on your dog’s skin. This ensures that it has completely absorbed and works to the best of its ability to rid your dog of fleas and ticks. It typically takes around 48 hours or 2 days for the solution to completely absorb into your dog’s skin. Therefore, you should wait around 48 hours after applying the product to touch, pet, or play with your dog.

Later on, we are going to discuss how to stimulate your dog while waiting for the K9 Advantix to dry. This is to ensure your dog still gets the proper exercise and love they deserve!

Oral vs. Topical Flea and Tick Treatments

Both oral and topical flea and tick treatments have their pros and cons.

For one thing, with oral treatments you don’t have to worry about petting your dog right after, or a child ingesting the chemicals.

However, oral treatments do not kill or prevent ticks, and they do not have longevity whatsoever.

Ideally, oral treatments are good if your dog is seriously covered in fleas.

You give him the treatment, the fleas on his skin all die, and then you go ahead with a more long-term, topical plan.

The downsides to topical medications are that some of the cheaper ones can injure your pet’s skin and perhaps even cause long-term effects.

There is also the whole “wet chemicals” thing that you need to avoid touching – something made all the more difficult with children.

Overall, though, you really cannot go wrong with a topical treatment.

And for severe infestations, an oral treatment combined with a topical treatment can do wonders for your pet and home.

Dog collars are also incredibly effective at preventing fleas and ticks, and the good ones last even longer than the best topical treatments do.

The downside to dog collars, though, is that you have to be careful about touching it for even longer, since it releases medication over several months into your dog’s skin.

Flea collars are much easier to apply than topical treatments, and they typically come with less side effects than topical treatments do.

Tips for the Safe Application of Topical Treatments

Before applying K9 Advantix II, or any topical flea and tick medication, to your dog, it is important that you read the instructions thoroughly.

Only use the amount indicated for your dog, which typically goes by weight.

Never use more than one product at the same time unless you have express consent from your vet, and never use more than required, no matter how severe the infestation.

Also, never increase the frequency of how often you give the product to your dog.

If you have noticed the product you’ve chosen isn’t working as well as you would have liked, talk to your vet about what you should do next.

When you apply the medication, you can use disposable gloves to prevent yourself from accidentally touching the product.

Even so, and especially if you do not use gloves, you should always wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after handling the medication.

Refrain from petting your dog, and prevent your children from touching him, until after the product absorbs into the skin or dries on the fur.

Also, make sure you properly dispose of the cartridge once you are through with it by consulting the instructions for proper guidance.

If you have a multiple-pet home, you can quarantine your pets while the product dries so they don’t lick it off of each other while grooming each other.

And be sure not to bathe your dog for at least two days after application to give his skin enough time to properly absorb the product.

One thing you especially need to keep an eye out for, especially if you’ve never used a specific topical treatment before, is that your pet does not suffer a reaction.

You will need to monitor your pet for several hours after applying the product to ensure he doesn’t develop sensitivity or an adverse reaction to it.

Ideally, it is best if you apply the product when you’ll be home and awake for several hours so you can keep an eye on your pup.

Do not throw out the packaging as soon you are done with the application.

You may need the information for both the ingredients and the manufacturer if your dog does, in fact, suffer a bad reaction.

Some of the signs to watch out for include:

  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Drooling or foaming at the mouth
  • Stumbling
  • Seizures
  • Poor appetite
  • Lethargy
  • If your dog starts showing any of these signs after you apply the product, call your vet ASAP and bathe your dog immediately and thoroughly with soap.


    How long does it take for K9 Advantix to dry on dog?

    Remember, your dog needs to be dry at the time K9 Advantix ® II is applied and remains dry 24 hours after application. Even indoor dogs need protection against fleas and ticks because you or other pets in the household may bring fleas and ticks into the home. Fleas in your dog’s environment can reinfest your dog.

    How long does it take for Advantix to absorb?

    K9 Advantix II takes about 12 hours to take effect. Once it does, it kills all the fleas that are on the dog. From there, any new fleas that jump on the dog from the floors, bedding, etc.

    How long after flea treatment can I pet dog?

    Leave the area and do not re-enter until at least 1 hour after treatment or until treated areas are dry, and allow the area to air.

    What happens if my dog licks K9 Advantix?

    Ingesting a small amount of K9 Advantix shouldn’t cause serious symptoms. You may notice excessive drooling, nausea, or vomiting. According to the Pet Poison Helpline, it’s a good idea to give your dog a tasty treat, like cooked, unseasoned chicken, to remove the bitter taste from their mouth.