How many grams of meat should a dog eat per day? A Step-by-Step Guide

How do you calculate raw dog food?

Feeding 2% to 4% of your dogs body weight is a good rule of thumb. Smaller dogs will require a higher proportion of their body weight, whilst larger dogs require a lower amount.

The daily portion should be divided into two halves, one in the morning and one in the evening.

Here are a few examples of how much you can feed your canine based on its weight:

  • A 40kg dog will consume roughly 800 – 1200g of raw meat per week.
  • A 20kg canine will consume around 40 – 600g of raw meat per week.
  • A 5kg dog will consume around only 100 – 150g of raw meat per week.
  • If youve ever had a puppy, youre aware of how quickly puppies develop. Due to their rapid growth, pups require the appropriate amount of raw food to maintain their health.

    Start by feeding it 5% to 8% of its body weight each day, divided into three portions. As it develops, you will need to have it weighed regularly and continue to feed it in this manner.

    Photo by Austin Kirk on Unsplash

    The activeness of your dog affects how much you need to feed it. For example, a K-9 dog will need a larger amount of food per serving as compared to a house dog.

    Nevertheless, you can check your canine activeness level using this guideline:

  • Intense level of activeness: Working dogs that fall in this category are farm dogs, police dogs, canines that compete in tournaments and others.
  • High level of activeness: Dogs who go for walks with energetic plays that last for at least 60 minutes daily fall under this level of activeness.
  • Moderate level of activeness: Canines that fall in the average category are dogs that play moderately and go for normal walks daily of about 30 to 60 minutes.
  • Low level of activeness: Dogs that are mostly indoors and do minimal activity usually fall under this section. The canines in this category are usually senior or unwell dogs.
  • How much raw mince to feed dogs?

    Similar to other raw diets, the amount of raw mince you should feed your dog depends on the weight, activeness levels of your dog and other factors. In general, here are some guidelines in feeding raw mince to your canine:

  • Adult dogs who are active yet underweight should consume 3% of their present weight in pounds per day.
  • Senior dogs which are less energetic or overweight should eat 1.5% of their current weight in pounds per day.
  • Adult dogs should be fed 2 – 3% of their current weight in pounds per day to maintain their optimal weight.
  • The reason why some pet parents prefer raw mince over chunkier meat cuts or bones is that minced meat is easier to digest. This is especially helpful for senior dogs who don’t have enough energy to chew or for dogs with underlying stomach problems.


    If you’ve ever owned a puppy before, you know how fast they grow. It seems like every time you turn around they get bigger and bigger, no matter how badly you wish they’d stay little. As a result of this growth, puppies need the right portion of raw food to provide them with the nutrients to keep them going.

    You’ve come to the right place! We’re proud to announce our Puppylicious: Complete and Balanced raw puppy food. Puppylicious™ has been carefully formulated to ensure all nutritional requirements for puppies are met. Balanced to meet AAFCO Nutrient Profile for Growth and Development (including growth of large breed dogs over 70 lbs.). Puppylicious is the perfect choice for your puppy and will allow you to “love them right from the start”.

    Visit our newly added Puppy pages to learn more on Puppylicious, How to transition, How to feed, and frequently asked questions to help guide you through the transition. Click here!

    How much should I feed my dog? || Monkoodog

    Initially, moving to a raw diet for your dog can seem a little tricky. One of the most likely questions when shifting to raw dog food is how much should I feed my dog?

    The answer can be simple (2.5% of his body weight per day, if an adult) but thereafter the figure varies depending on factors such as age, body weight, activity level, food types, and even the metabolism of your dogs.

    Take into consideration any treats you may be feeding too as this will add to the calorific value (think of a cheeky biscuit you may have at coffee break).

    This piece will help you work out the amount of raw food for your dogs (or you can skip the guff and just use our free online calculator!!).