How many times should a dog be bred? Expert Advice

When Should You Last Breed Your Female Dog?

It is recommended to be finished breeding when your dog reaches the ages of five to seven.

After this age, dog pregnancies are rather difficult on animal’s bodies. Dogs are at a significantly greater risk of having miscarriages, being injured, or even dying during pregnancy after a certain age.

When Should You First Breed Your Female Dog?

Your dog may go into heat as young as at age six months old or as old as two years old.

Typically, smaller dog breeds will sexually mature faster than larger dog breeds. Because of this significant range, it is best to go by heat cycles rather than age when determining when you should breed your dog for the first time.

Our veterinarians recommend waiting until the third heat cycle. This allows your dog to fully mature (physically, mentally, and emotionally) and reduces the risk of injuring her body or stunting her growth during her pregnancy. Allowing her to mature also means that she is more likely to be a good and maternal mother.

Waiting this long also allows breeders to take their dog to their veterinarian several times for vaccinations, health check-ins, and necessary testing to ensure it is ethical and beneficial to allow this dog to produce offspring for her breed.

Step Nine – Pregnancy and Whelping Preparation

Canine gestation lasts approximately 63 days. Signs of pregnancy include an increase in appetite, weight, and nipple size. However, a bitch with false pregnancy may also show these signs. A veterinarian can usually confirm a pregnancy through abdominal palpitation at 28 days, or by using ultrasound or X-rays.

Once pregnancy is confirmed, you should talk to your vet about special feeding requirements and what to expect during pregnancy, labor, and after birth. You should also be briefed on how to recognize and respond to an emergency.


When taking part in dog breeding, it is important to fully understand how many times you can breed a male dog, and how often. We already did it with female readiness to breed, so this time we are exploring common questions pertaining to males and dog breeding, health, litter size and of course the right age for breeding a stud dog.

A good male stud will quickly gain a reputation for quality when its owners keep him fit and healthy, and carry out the necessary health checks regularly. When this occurs, the breed’s gene pool benefits from the best possible offsprings being born.