How Much Dulcolax Can I Give My Dog

Bisacodyl is a stimulant laxative that can treat constipation in dogs. It’s the generic name of a medicine that’s also sold under the brand name Dulcolax. The medication works by stimulating the animal’s bowels and helping them to defecate.

This drug usually comes in the form of tablets, suppositories, or enemas. While you don’t need a veterinarian’s prescription to purchase it, you must consult with your vet before adding it to your dog’s routine.

Closely follow your vet’s instructions for the correct and safe dosage and frequency. Here’s what you should know about the uses, dosage, and side effects of bisacodyl for dogs.

Veterinarians most commonly prescribe bisacodyl to treat constipation in dogs. It’s a stimulant laxative that works by stimulating the canine’s bowels; although, there’s still some medical uncertainty about precisely how the process works.

Vets usually prescribe this medication only for short-term constipation relief. Dogs who experience chronic constipation must receive further veterinary treatment.

The following is a guideline for typical use of the drug in dogs and must not replace your veterinarian’s advice for your individual pet.

Your vet will prescribe bisacodyl for your dog in a dosage that reflects the severity of the constipation and the size and weight of your dog.

Generally, vets recommend one to four of the 5 mg tablets, taken orally on a daily basis. They may recommend 1 to 2 ml for the enema solution or one to three of the pediatric suppositories, administered rectally.

It’s important to always follow your vet’s dosage and administration instructions exactly. This includes the length of time you should give the medicine to your dog.

Dogs and cats can be given Dulcolax for constipation. Give 1 tablet by mouth every 8 hours, but no more than 4 doses. Additionally, Benefiber or plain canned pumpkin can be mixed with food. Give 1 teaspoon per 20 pounds body weight.

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Bisacodyl is commonly known as Dulcolax® and is used as a laxative to treat constipation for dogs and cats.

Bisacodyl belongs to the class of drugs known as stimulant laxatives. The exact way bisacodyl works is still unknown. Bisacodyl is available without a prescription but should not be administered unless under the supervision and guidance of a veterinarian. This drug is not approved for use in animals by the Food and Drug Administration but it is prescribed legally by veterinarians as an extra-label drug.

This drug is registered for use in humans only.

  • Human formulations: Dulcolax® (Ciba), Bisco-Lax® (Schein), Fleet® Bisacodyl (Fleet), Carter’s Little Pills® (Carter) and various generic preparations
  • Veterinary formulations: None
  • How much Dulcolax for a dog?

    Dosage should be very conservative and vary according to how much your dog weighs. There could be dire side effects if instructions are not followed carefully.

    According to, typical dosage guidelines are as follows:

    The issue here is that there is no information online about how the dosage of 5 to 20mg applies to the size of your dog, and how much Dulcolax you give your dog depending on their age.

    Before you give Dulcolax to your dog, please check the dosage with your vet. It is a laxative intended for humans, and so the dosage amounts you see on the packaging will differ for canines.

    Comments from vets online also say you should ensure your dog is properly hydrated whilst taking any form of laxative. This will help to soften the stools and ease the passage with less straining.

    How to give your dog Dulcolax

    From what I have read online, the best way to administer the Dulcolax to a dog is through their food. For example, you could crush the tablets up into powder. Vets and dog owners say you should put it into their food, mixing it in so the dog cannot see it. Alternative methods are a laxative, but I don’t know how easy it would be for a dog owners to push a laxative into a dog’s rectum – not something I would try personally. You can also try the gummy chews I showed above – dogs might eat those easier.


    Can you give a dog human Dulcolax?

    While there are laxatives specifically labeled for dogs, you should NEVER give your dog human laxatives without first consulting your vet. Laxatives labeled for humans can cause severe symptoms when given to dogs, leading to serious or even fatal complications.

    How long does it take for Dulcolax to work on dogs?

    Vets say that Dulcolax will ease a dog’s constipation within 24 to 48 hours of administration. If it does not work, then it could be a sign of a more serious problem and therefore the dog owner should consult a vet immediately.

    What is the best laxative for a dog?

    Simple dog constipation treatments often include:
    • Canned pumpkin.
    • Bran cereal.
    • Metamucil, Siblin, or a similar product.
    • Canned dog food to increase moisture.
    • Exercise.
    • Extra water.
    • Enemas.

    How much laxatives can I give my dog?

    Small dogs – 1/8 to ¼ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily) Medium sized dogs – ¼ to ½ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily) Large dogs – ½ to ¾ teaspoon every 12 hours (twice daily)