How much play does a dog need? Surprising Answer

How Much Daily Exercise Does a Puppy Need?

How much play does a dog need?

You might have noticed that your puppy gets a case of the “zoomies” several times a day. The zoomies are easily identified, and symptoms include madly racing around the house, followed by collapsing into a puppy pile, preferably in your lap.

Puppies generally have more energy than adult dogs and so require more exercise in short bursts — like the zoomies. Since puppies are constantly growing, including several short walks or play sessions throughout the day is a safer choice than going for one really long walk, as this can be too hard on your puppy’s developing body. Ultimately, every puppy is different, and the more time you spend with your pup the more you will learn about how much exercise she needs to keep her happy — and you sane!

Talk to your vet or breeder about how much daily activity is appropriate for your puppy, and don’t forget that exercise is a great way to train and socialize your new dog.

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If you own a dog, you have probably found yourself wondering “How much exercise does a dog need every day?” Depending on your schedule, that question might sometimes sound more like “How much exercise does a dog really need every day?”

As with people, the answer varies from dog to dog and is dependent on age, health, and breed. There are a few standard guidelines you can follow, however, to make sure that your dog is getting all the exercise she needs.

My dog doesn’t like walks – what can I do?

If your dog isn’t enjoying their walks it’s important that you try to work out why, and adjust their routine so they enjoy them again. We’ve listed some of the most common reasons below:

  • Fear: If your dog is scared of other dogs, people, or going outside, walks are likely to be scary and not fun. If you believe this is the case, seek the advice of an accredited behaviourist and in the meanwhile, try to think of other ways to keep your dog busy in the house and garden.
  • Fitness: It’s important that your dog stays fit enough to enjoy their walks. If you think your dog is struggling, speak to your vet about how you can improve their diet and exercise regime.
  • Boredom: It’s important that your dog is able to spend time sniffing, having fun, running and playing on their walks, otherwise they are likely to get bored. If you find yourself rushing dog walks, try to find a better time of the day to walk them, or consider hiring a dog walker.
  • MINIMUM EXERCISE DOGS NEED Scary health statistics you need to know

    Quality food and clean water are essential to a long, healthy life. As soon as your dog arrives at your house, whether he’s a puppy or an adult, feed him the best-quality food you can afford. You’re likely to have a fitter dog with a shinier coat, as well as fewer vet bills.

    Training is a mainstay of canine brain workouts. It could be as simple as learning to sit and stay and do doggie calisthenics, or as complex as training for agility or obedience competitions. Interactive toys, which let your dog get pieces of food out of the canine equivalent of the Rubik’s Cube, stimulate the brain. An added benefit: they’re great ways to keep your dog’s mind on something other than chewing, barking, and other annoying pastimes while you’re at work.

    A dog who’s isolated from strange people, dogs, or situations, is likely to react with fear or aggression, or a mixture of both, when confronted with anything outside his routine. A dog who’s well socialized–exposed to new dogs, people, and situations–is more likely to stay confident, relaxed, and friendly, no matter what life throws at him. And that’s the state you want your dog to be in when your neighbor’s toddler runs up to your pup and throws her arms around his neck.

    Socialization is especially important during puppyhood, when a dog’s personality, likes, and dislikes are being formed. But adult dogs need it too (though if all has gone well, you can begin to focus on it less intensely once your dog is older). Otherwise, they can grow less relaxed and friendly over time. Positive interactions with the local kids, other dogs, neighbors, as well as training classes, doggie day care, and trips to the park can be good ways to meet these needs.

    Of course, socialization can hard if you’re dealing with a dog that’s already aggressive toward dogs or people. In that case, you’ll need help from a professional behaviorist or trainer.

    Dogs are pack animals, social creatures who need to interact with people as well as with other dogs. Dogs who’re ignored for big chunks of the day or who spend their lives in the yard won’t be happy, and their personalities will never reach their full potential.

    The more your dog feels welcome in everything you do, whether you’re driving cross-country, running errands, or having a family outing, the more you’ll both enjoy the relationship. Being a member of the family is the absolute core of the human-dog bond.