How much Rimadyl can I give my 50 pound dog? A Step-by-Step Guide

Can Rimadyl Be Given With Other Medications?

Rimadyl should not be given with other NSAIDs or steroids. Tell your veterinarian about all medicines your dog is currently taking or that you plan to give your dog, including non-prescription medications and supplements. Your vet will need to make sure that they’re safe to take together with Rimadyl.

Here are some specific combinations that pet parents often ask about concerning Rimadyl.

Frequently Asked Questions About Rimadyl Side Effects

How much Rimadyl can I give my 50 pound dog?

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Rimadyl reactions in dogs. And remember to talk to your vet about any possible side effects with any medication your dog takes.

Yes, Rimadyl does make some dogs tired. As long as your dog isn’t suffering from severe lethargy, this usually isn’t a cause for concern.

No, there’s no concrete evidence that Rimadyl makes dogs hyperactive. However, if your dog does start showing aggression or significant behavioral changes after starting Rimadyl, you should check with your vet to make sure he’s not having an adverse reaction.

Panting isn’t one of the listed side effects of Rimadyl in dogs. But if your dog is panting excessively after taking it, you should contact your vet.

How much Rimadyl can I give my 50 pound dog?

In rare cases, Rimadyl can cause skin problems in dogs, including itching, redness, and scabs. If you notice any of these signs after your dog begins taking Rimadyl, it’s important to contact your vet.

Yes, diarrhea is one of the main side effects of Rimadyl. Most cases are mild and should clear up quickly. But if your dog has severe or prolonged diarrhea, contact your vet. This could indicate an adverse reaction.

While there’s no strong evidence that NSAIDs, including Rimadyl, can cause pancreatitis in dogs, there’s some speculation that it’s possible. However, NSAIDs are often prescribed for dogs suffering from acute pancreatitis to help manage the pain. If you’re concerned about your dog developing pancreatitis, we encourage you to talk to your vet.

How much carprofen Can I give my 50 pound dog?

Typically, the dosage for carprofen is 2mg for every pound your dog weighs on a daily basis. Otherwise, you can provide half that dose twice a day. For example, a 50lb dog would receive 100mg daily, but you could also choose to give them 50mg in the morning, and 50mg in the evening.

Carprofen (Rimadyl)

While Rimadyl can be effective in managing pain and inflammation in dogs, it is important to carefully consider the appropriate dosing by weight to minimize the risk of side effects and ensure the drug is used safely and effectively.

The safe dosage of Rimadyl for dogs is 2 mg per pound of body weight. In other words, if your dog weighs 50 pounds, 100 mg of Rimadyl would be an appropriate dose.

Overall, Rimadyl can be an effective treatment for pain and inflammation in dogs, but it is important to use it under the guidance of a veterinarian and to closely monitor your dog for any potential side effects.

“Tried a few different brands of Carprofen for dogs, but this one is the best. I used it for a month and my dog was almost completely pain-free. I will continue to use this product and highly recommend it to anyone with a dog that suffers from arthritis.”

“I have an 11-year-old Samoyed who has always had problems with her joints. We have tried everything from glucosamine to fish oil and nothing has helped. After reading about Rimadyl in a magazine I decided to give it a try. We started on the bottle with one pill per day for 10 days. The results were amazing! She was able to get up on the couch without needing help and walked around without limping! I would definitely recommend this product to anyone with a dog that needs effective pain medication.”

“I have 4 dogs. One is a very old dog who has problems with arthritis and hip dysplasia. I have been using Rimadyl for almost 2 months now, and have noticed an improvement in his health. He is able to get up on his feet more easily, and he can even walk a little further than he was before taking this product.”

“I have a Siberian Husky and he is on Rimadyl for 2 weeks. It’s a very good product for dogs with arthritis and other joint problems. The side effects are minimal and my dog does not have any side effects from the medication.”

There have been numerous complaints about the use of Rimadyl, a popular pain medication for dogs, in recent years. Many pet owners have reported serious side effects, including vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, and even death, after giving their dogs the medication.

One of the main concerns with Rimadyl is its potential for causing liver damage. Some dogs have developed severe liver issues, including liver failure, after taking the medication for an extended period of time. This can be particularly dangerous for older dogs or those with pre-existing liver problems.

In addition to liver damage, some dogs have also experienced gastrointestinal problems, including bleeding ulcers, after taking Rimadyl. These side effects can be painful and potentially life-threatening for pets.

There have also been reports of Rimadyl causing behavioral changes in dogs, such as increased aggression or anxiety. This can be especially concerning for pet owners who have young children or other pets in the household.

Despite these concerns, Rimadyl is still commonly prescribed by veterinarians for the treatment of pain and inflammation in dogs. It is important for pet owners to be aware of the potential risks and to closely monitor their dogs for any unusual side effects when taking the medication.