How much should you walk two dogs? Here’s the Answer

Training Dogs on the Leash

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    1 Hold one leash in each hand. Get your leash loop on your right hand and leash into your left hand with your dog on the left side. Put the hand through the hole and around the wrist a couple times

    How to successfully walk more than one dog

    If you have two dogs, walking them at the same time makes for twice the fun… or twice the nightmare. Like most dog owners with two furry companions, if you have attempted to walk them both simultaneously, chances are it often results in a tangled, chaotic mess. Unfortunately, there isn’t always enough time in the day to take separate walks with each dog, so you do your best to ensure they are getting the exercise they need, even if that means putting yourself through that craziness.

    If this seems all too relatable, don’t lose all hope just yet. Walking two dogs at the same time IS possible, it just takes a little bit of time, practice, and patience. At, we make some of the best dog leashes and collars for walking that help owners gain more control over their dogs when on walks. In this blog, we’ll be sharing some tips and tricks that you can do to make walking two dogs at the same time easier, safer, and more enjoyable.