How often do puppies pee at night? What to Know

How Often Do Puppies Pee at Night?

The frequency of potty breaks your puppy takes at night will depend on their age and health. Luckily enough, dogs don’t need to pass urine frequently at night. The most you can wake up to housetrain your little pup is two times.

How long can a puppy hold it overnight? They will generally hold their pee for one hour plus their age in months. For example, a three months old pup can hold their pee for up to 4 hours i.e., 3 plus 1.

A 4-month-old puppy will hold their bladder down for 5 hours. If their sleeping time runs for 8 hours, then they will need 1 potty break at night.

If your puppy is not consistent in holding pee, then you need to speak to your vet. They might have developed urinary tract infections and it is best to detect the condition early.

How To Help Avoid a Puppy Peeing at Night

The following will help your puppy avoid bathroom breaks at night:

  • Feed your puppy at least two hours before bedtime.
  • Prepare your puppy to sleep.
  • Take them out immediately before sleep time.
  • Consistent house training. If you need help in training your puppy, you can check out this amazing online dog training program. Highly recommended!
  • What if my puppy has an accident?

    There are a couple of different ways to train your puppy and you can train them. Remember to not scold your pups harshly for mistakes and not to make them nervous to pee in front of you.

    It’s important to remember not to tell your puppy that you have made a mistake, or to hide away from it. We hear that behind the couch is an excellent hiding place for a puppy. So you need to be firm in telling him that he’s done wrong but don’t over-punish him. Most puppies will get this soon enough in relation to house training, and a young puppy wants to please its owner.

    Puppy Potty Training At Night WITHOUT Setting An Alarm – Bringing Home A New Puppy Episode 6

    Puppies are a lot of work! They need to be housebroken, and training them can be difficult. One thing that is often overlooked when it comes to potty training your puppy is nighttime as you are learning to house train your dog over the first few weeks of ownership.

    Before we even start on toilet training, remember that puppies can have other types of accidents too – so if you are looking to get your new puppy insured, try Emerald Life for a pet insurance quote. You can find us at

    Puppies who sleep through the night in their crate may not make it outside before they have to go – and accidents happen. For that reason, when you are trying to do everything all in one go – crate training, how to toilet, puppy walk routine etc – make good use of old newspapers and puppy pads – when your puppy needs to go nothing will stop it, night time or day time.

    Puppies have very small bladders which means that when you toilet train them then regular potty breaks will be the norm as you get into a good routine. If there is a mess, don’t blame your puppy – sometimes they just will not make it to the door and out into the garden in time.

    If you’re a first time dog owner, you may not know that puppies usually go potty at night. They can be hard to get up and out of bed to take them outside in the middle of the night so we have some tips for nighttime puppy toilet training.

    First thing, make your pup’s sleeping area comfortable enough that they want to stay there. Put their food and water dish right next to it since they will only eat if they are hungry or thirsty anyway. If they fall asleep during nap time on their own, give them an opportunity to relieve themselves before putting them back into their crate or play pen for sleep time.

    This is especially important when it comes to nighttime puppy toilet training because if your pup sleeps in its own den he will prefer to have a toilet area that is different from where he sleeps. Even a new puppy will want this and as your puppy grows you want this to be an essential part of what they do

    It can be quite difficult to train your pup during the day, but at night it is much easier. If you’re struggling with nighttime accidents in the house here are some tips and tricks that might help. How do you teach a puppy to go outside? One of the easiest ways is by using a toilet!

    This will give them an idea of what they need to do when they need to go out. The key is consistency, so make sure every time your pup has an accident they either get taken outside or reprimanded for going inside. It may take some time but eventually they’ll catch on and start asking permission before doing their business anywhere other than outdoors!

    If you’re looking for a way to train your dog to go potty in the night, then this post is for you. There are many benefits of toilet training at night and there are also many ways that it can be done. In this blog post, we will share tips on how to get started with nighttime puppy training as well as some helpful tricks that have worked wonders for us, and so you can then decide what works for you.

    A scientific note. Puppies sleep through the night by the age of 16 weeks. As younger puppies, they may need to go every two hours, so you have to train them as toilet training does not come naturally for pups. Even adult dogs have to be trained to do it in advance – which is easier.

    The best way to get a good night is to train a puppy into sleep routines in order to get enough sleep for him to go through the day. The good news is that if he is 6 months or older, it’ll probably be just a few nights of adjustment before you’re able to sleep at night with your puppy.

    This training will work best if your puppy is in your bedroom so you know what he’s doing, and even better in the same area. If you aren’t willing or able to have your puppy in your room at night, you can do this training with him in another room.

    An exercise pen is a good option for your puppy’s confinement area. Take your puppy in there and then make lost of comforting sounds. If you want him to be by himself in a new environment, try sleeping with music or a fan on the couch. This will make your whole sleep training program go a lot more smoothly.

    Puppies under 16 weeks of age are not able to control their bladders. Most puppies find their way to a new home at 2-3 months old. You will still need to make (at least) one trip halfway through the night for puppies under 4 months old, and maybe a little after that for some pups.

    But much of this will depend on your pup – so what are his eating habits? Lots just before bed might not be a good idea. Your pup should go to the toilet just before you all go go bed and if he needs treats to do so, then so be it. Again, don’t forget puppy pads if you don’t get there in time for a potty break.

    Once the puppy learns the routine then that should be great but when training a puppy, remember to take your puppy to the toilet area as soon as you think he needs to go. But when your puppy needs to go, then don’t forget puppy pads.