How old is a 12 week old puppy? Find Out Here

Things to do this week:

It’s time for school! If your puppy has had all their vaccinations, they’re ready to start school.

Your puppy will be losing their baby teeth to make room for their adult teeth. Make sure they have plenty of teething chews to prevent your puppy from gnawing away on your favourite shoes! Keep any precious items out of reach of your puppy.

Once your puppy has been fully vaccinated, they will be ready to leave the safety of the garden and meet other dogs. It’s a good idea to find someone who has a well-behaved dog and arrange a play date to help your puppy to get used to being around another dog, before you introduce them to the park. A good puppy training class will also provide opportunities for their ‘students’ to interact with each other off the lead.

How long can you leave a 12 week old puppy?

At 12 weeks, your puppy will feel anxious if they are left alone for long. As part of your puppy’s training, you will need to teach them to be left alone. Gradually build up the time you spend away from them so they get used to the idea that you will come back. Start by leaving them alone in another room of the house for short amounts of time. Give them a tasty filled Kong or another interactive feeding toy to focus on and enjoy while you are out of the room.

Puppies are social animals and prefer company rather than being on their own, so if you will need to regularly leave your dog during the day, for example, while you are at work, then your dog is likely to be much happier going to doggy day care, a dog sitter or dog walker.


Your puppy should have 28 baby teeth. Its still too early for them to get their adult teeth, which should come in within the next three months. Their teeth start falling out between the ages of 12 weeks to 7 months. Theyll first lose their incisors, then the premolars, and finally the canines. You may find the occasional baby tooth in their water bowl. At three to four months of age, its a good idea to have the vet check your dogs mouth to make sure there are no bite problems and that the teeth are growing normally.

At this stage of development, your pup will start chewing, and its your job to find safe chew toys and treats that are suitable for his age. Puppy teeth are delicate, and an adult dog bone or toy may fracture them. Also keep in mind that their digestive system has not fully developed, so they will need easy-to-digest foods. I recommend Nyablones Healthy Edibles and Nutri Dent Chews with the label “three-month-old puppy” somewhere on the packaging.

To help relieve sore gums, freeze a clean rag thats been soaked in water and wrung out. Chewing on this will soothe your puppys gums. You should also get your dog acquainted with having his teeth brushed.

Puppy Schedule – 12 Weeks and Beyond

See the incredible development of a puppy inside its mother’s womb, and the remarkable changes it undergoes in its first few weeks of life.

The gestation period for dogs is approximately nine weeks, but in that time the most incredible transformation occurs. And once the puppy is born, it goes through even more growth and development before joining you in its new home.

Once the egg is fertilised, this future puppy nestles inside its mother’s womb and starts a nine-week journey from only four cells to fully grown puppy. This four-celled being quickly multiplies to 64 cells, ready to form a head and spine.

The foetus continues to multiply and develop, and at week 4 it grows a head, eyes and its first vertebrae. At this point, the dog foetus has nearly tripled in size and has already grown to 15 mm, or as big as a hazelnut.

The foetus also develops its organs and can be seen in an ultrasound at the vet’s surgery.

During weeks 5 and 6, the foetus starts to look more like a puppy, with toes, nails and whiskers. The foetus’s organs have completely developed, along with its skin colour. At the six-week mark, the foetus has sex organs and begins to develop into either a male or a female.

Starting at week 7, the soon-to-be-pup’s skeleton has developed completely, and may be seen clearly by ultrasound. In preparation for the birth, the mother will start to develop a bald spot on her stomach so that her pup can easily find where to feed from her nipples.

From day 57, the beginning of Week 9, the puppy can safely be born, although it will usually wait until 60 to 63 days. Not all puppies are born with the coat collar of adulthood. For example, Australian Cattle Dogs (red heeler, blue heelers) are all born white.

Puppies are born blind, deaf and toothless, and are unable to regulate their own body temperature for the first week or two. A newborn pup depends on its mother and littermates for warmth.

A newborn puppy spends 90 per cent of its time sleeping. All its energy is used for feeding and growing, and its weight will double in the first 10 days. A newborn is unable to support its own weight yet, but can crawl and wiggle about using its front legs.

In the second week of life, the puppy’s ears and eyes open, giving it a whole new sense of the world. At this point, the pup becomes chattier and starts to test out its vocal skills with yelps, whines, and barks. By week three, a newborn will take its first wobbly steps.

This is a time of rapid physical and sensory development for any puppy. They begin to play with their littermates, and their personalities start to become evident. They will develop bladder control and so move away from where they sleep when they need to go.

Puppies begin transitioning to solid food at around week 4 and develop their baby teeth at week 6. In weeks six to eight a pup will learn to accept others as a part of the family. By the time the puppy reaches 10 weeks old, they might be a little scared of meeting new people.

Staying with their mother and littermates at this stage helps a puppy learn useful skills like bite inhibition, how to understand and react to normal canine communication, and their place in doggy society.

At week 12 the puppy is ready to leave the litter for its new forever home. If you are bringing home a new puppy, one of the most fun and most challenging parts of the journey can be finding the perfect name for your pup. At this point, your new puppy’s personality will be on full display, and a guide to naming a new dog can help you with the big decision.