How To Tp Pets In Minecraft

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If one of your pets is loaded, you should be able to teleport to it, although its going to take some setup first. Youll also need access to commands (obviously) beyond /tp.

First thing to do is give all your tamed animals a score on the scoreboard. Set up the scoreboard with /scoreboard objectives add tamed dummy.

Next, you need to set the score for each of your tamed animals. In order to do this in 1.8, youre going to need to know your personal UUID. You can find out what that is here. In 1.8 and later use /scoreboard players set @e tamed 1 {OwnerUUID:""} (omit < and >). Prior to 1.8, you would use the datatag {Owner:""}.

Then its a simple matter of teleporting yourself to one of your animals: /tp @p @e[score_tamed_min=1,c=1] (the c=1 is there to select only one tamed animal, otherwise the command will fail).

As I said in the beginning, your animals need to be loaded for this to work. If they are present in one of your spawn chunks, my belief is that they should be loaded.

There are several methods of getting home, considering you have cheats on (which you obviously do: you have a command block)


Type the command /tp YOURNAME @r[type=Wolf] The selector used here, @r, usually defaults to players, but with the [type=Wolf] selector, it now applies to wolves. This could also be applied to horses, if you think you have less of those. To find out, type /testfor @e[type=EntityHorse] and then /testfor @e[type=Wolf].


This method, unfortunately, involves dying. If you have a valid (adequate space around it, last one you slept in) bed, it resets your spawn. If you have valuable or symbolic or useful items in your inventory that you want to keep, type /gamerule keepInventory true , then type /kill . This will kill you and you respawn with all yours items. Alternitavely, craft a compass, which will lead you back to your spawn.

Next time youre thinking "Houston, we have a problem!" just refer to the above methods.

You cannot teleport to an unnamed entity or a block without knowing its location.

How do you teleport lost pets in Minecraft?

Teleporting Lost/ Sitting pets I think that Minecraft should have a(n) feature where you may use a command to teleport named pets that are either lost, or sitting. Example: /Tp pet: Max wolf /Tp pets: Max wolf Milo wolf Daisy ocolot

How to use the Minecraft Teleport command?

How to Use the Minecraft Teleport Command. With the Tp command in Minecraft, you can teleport anyone or anything anywhere. If you’re playing the Java version, you can even teleport between the Overworld and the Nether.


What is the command to TP to your pets in Minecraft?

How do you teleport your dog in Minecraft? Assuming your dog is in an unloaded chunk it will not teleport back to you. If you named it then use the command “ /tp @e [name = replace this with your dogs name] player name “.

Can you tp cats in Minecraft?

Thanks to cheat console commands, Minecraft players can teleport just about any being in the game. To move mobs like animals, enemies, and villagers, the "/tp @e" or teleport entity command can be used to whisk them away to a designated location.

How do you find a lost pet in Minecraft?

Teleportation. Tamed cats teleport to the player if they are more than 12 blocks from the player, except where listed below. It is possible for a tamed cat to teleport to an inaccessible location (e.g. under ice) and be injured or suffocate of various causes as a result.