Your What is a natural way to treat fleas on dogs? A Complete Guide

How to Get Rid of Fleas on Dogs

Depending on where you live, fleas may be a seasonal or a year-round problem. Generally, they’re the biggest menace during the summer, when dogs spend more time outside. Fleas themselves are very tiny and move quickly, so a simple visual inspection isn’t always enough. To find out if your dog has fleas, check for black specks on their coat and skin. These are flea droppings (gross!). Or, check for specks by rubbing a white tissue across your dog’s fur. Here are some natural home remedies if your sleuthing turns up evidence of fleas.Related article

Before you say “ewww” Moira Rose-style, learn these steps to prevent and remove fleas.

An affordable and practical solution, a flea comb is a must-have for pet parents looking for a natural flea-killer. They come in various sizes, but all have closely spaced teeth that remove both eggs and fleas from the dog’s coat. (Be sure to dip the comb in soapy water after each pass to kill the eggs and adults the comb picks up.) This is a great first step in your war on these pests.

Dip your dog’s comb in fresh lime or lemon juice and make multiple passes through their coat. (If your dog has a short or slick coat, you can also use a cloth dipped in the juice instead of a comb.) Another option is to dilute lemon juice with water (use a 1:2 ratio) and add a splash of pet shampoo.

Apple cider vinegar’s slightly acidic pH level creates an inhospitable environment for fleas. Mix six cups of ACV with four cups of water (use a 6:4 ratio), add a pinch of salt, and spray the mixture on your dog’s coat and underbelly, making sure to avoid their eyes and any wounds they may have.

Dilute two to three drops of oil in one to three tablespoons of water and apply a few drops to your pet’s existing collar or to a bandana. (You’ll need to reapply this mixture regularly. See Barbara Fougère’s book, The Pet Lover’s Guide to Natural Healing for Dogs and Cats, for more detailed instructions.) Lavender or cedar oil naturally repels fleas, but be sure to test them with your dog before using them on anything that that goes around their neck.

Home remedies for fleas on dogs — treating your dog from the outside:

Your What is a natural way to treat fleas on dogs?

We’ve talked about how vinegar is a great, pet-friendly cleaning solution, but it’s also used in home remedies for fleas on dogs. It turns out that fleas don’t like the smell of vinegar and you can use that to your advantage.

What you need:

  • A clean spray bottle, one that hasn’t had any chemical cleaning products in it.
  • White vinegar and apple cider vinegar (ACV) both work. Pick your favorite, whatever is in your cupboard already or what’s on sale.
  • What to do:

  • Mix water and vinegar together. The most effective solution is a 1:1 ratio. If your dog finds that smell offensive, you can dilute as much as 1:3, vinegar to water.
  • Spray your dog, making sure to avoid his eyes and any open sores. Let your dog’s fur air dry. Repeat this at-home flea treatment for a couple of days.
  • If your dog doesn’t like the spray bottle, soak a washcloth in the mixture and wipe your pup down with it.
  • Can Dog Fleas Infest Your Home?

    Unfortunately, flea infestations are a reality dog owners must always be ready to face. All it takes is brief contact with a carrier (e.g., the neighbors dog, a wild animal encountered in the woods, etc.), and you might have your own flea problem to deal with. All of a sudden, your furry friend itches like crazy, and you notice flea dirt (i.e., flea feces) on their skin. Theres no turning back at this point — youre dealing with a flea infestation. Theres no negotiating with this invader either, so you need to bring out the big guns if you want to get rid of fleas indefinitely.

    Dont expect your mission to end after the first wave of invaders. Although you have gotten rid of the adult fleas, a second flea infestation is just around the corner. Flea eggs need between one and ten days to hatch, after which youll have to renew your extermination efforts.

    Natural Homemade Remedies to get rid of Fleas & Ticks on your dog INSTANTLY