Is a Dog’s Purpose funny? A Complete Guide

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The second thought was one similar to how I felt about A Right to Live, it seems like it would be suited to a younger audience. I say this because briefly for me (and probably other people) you think “Ok. Let’s pretend we know what a dog must be thinking.”

To my friends and family, it’s no secret that I’m a big lover of animals – especially dogs. I’ve had my dog Baker for about eleven years now and he’s my best furry little friend.

I like that it builds on the things he learns – it mad me think of all the silly, hard to train dogs I’ve seen, and all the well mannered, easy to train dogs I’ve seen.

Instead of being one long story about the life of a dog, A Dog’s Purpose explores the notion of reincarnation. The dog lives one life, then dies, and wakes up to a new life, remembering everything from the previous ones.The book continues on this way for four lives, each time learning different skills and experiencing different emotions.

A Dog’s Purpose is the story of a dog (voice of Josh Gad) who is reincarnated into a different life every time he dies. The story spans several decades and follows four of the dog’s ‘lives’ from birth to death. The dog narrates throughout. In its second life, the dog is a red retriever that belongs to a little boy, Ethan (K.J. Apa). Ethan and the dog become true friends and grow up together. In its third life, the dog is reincarnated as a police dog that must help a lonely officer (John Ortiz) solve crimes. In its fourth life, the dog comes back as a corgi owned by a lonely college student, Maya (Kirby Howell-Baptiste). The dog helps Maya find romance and live a full and happy life. And the dog’s fifth life starts roughly but takes a surprising turn.

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A Dogs Purpose offers an awkward blend of sugary sentiment and canine suffering that tugs at animal-loving audiences heartstrings with shameless abandon. Read critic reviews

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    Dennis Quaid On ‘A Dog’s Purpose’: ‘Absolutely No Dogs Were Harmed’ | TODAY

    The movie had a much faster pace than the book, but it kept the spirit of the book and was a pretty faithful adaption. The ending of the movie is slightly different (for more details see the review below). I would say the movie ending was a lighter, happier version of what happens in the book. It was a cute movie. I enjoyed that it was not your typical dog movie. There were lots of “aw!” and “puppy!” reactions from my kids while we watched it. It was a funny, heart-warming movie that I’m sure my kids will ask to watch again.

    If you want to see for yourself how the book and movie compare, I’m doing a giveaway for a copy of each (ends 5/30/17). Big thanks to Universal Studios for sponsoring this giveaway and providing me with a copy of the book and movie to review. You can also read my book review of A Dog’s Purpose.