Is dog milk the same as human milk? A Complete Guide

What Does Dog Milk Taste Like?

Is dog milk the same as human milk?

Not many people have tried dog milk.

In fact, there are only a handful of people who have tried it and that too for studies and research purposes.

The only time when people make use of dog milk is during emergencies and when there is no other option.

From the experiences of people who have tasted dog milk, some say it is smooth, while others say it’s very thick and greasy.

However, every food tastes different on different palettes, so you be the judge.

Dog milk is, however, not recommended because it doesn’t provide all the necessary nutrients that regular milk or cow’s milk provide.

Even if you are in a situation where there are not many alternatives, a dog’s milk should be treated as the last option.

If at all, consuming dog milk was wholesome and healthy in every way, people would have still been doing that and would have chosen dog’s milk instead of cow’s milk.

However, because of nutritional problems, it is not recommended.

If we look at the nutritional value of a dog’s milk, you might be surprised that it contains some vitamins like B12, vitamin A, vitamin D, calcium, and even protein.

However, it is still not the best option to feed an infant.

You can always give it a lick and taste it if you’re that curious.

Just don’t go beyond a few drops.

From Which Animal Can Humans Get Milk Instead?

Throughout the world, humans can get their milk from different animals like cows and goats. But there are other more that are deemed common for human consumption. Let’s check out the list:

1. Cows: At least 9 out of 10 glasses of milk that humans drink come from cows.

2. Goat: Some people find it easier to digest goat milk in comparison to that of a cow. Its milk simply has smaller fat globules with a high amount of fatty acid beneficial to digestion.

3. Water buffalo: Ghee is a popular liquid butter in India. In the same country, half of the milk produced comes from water buffalos.Â

4. Sheep: Sheep milk is twice as fatty as cow’s milk. Fun fact, it’s the one used to make feta, Roquefort, and ricotta.

5. Horse: Horse milk is thinner than cow’s milk. Yet, it remains drinkable without the foul odor and taste. It is described to be sweeter but somehow diluted cow’s milk with a hint of almond.

6. Yak: Yak is not only very nutritious but as well as high in protein compared to cow milk. It’s rich, sweet, and fragrant, which is why people from the mountains of Tibet use it to make butter tea or simply drink it as is.

7. Camel: Camel milk has been consumed by humans for thousands of years, and it’s rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Raw camel milk may not be ideal for drinking, so make sure it undergoes pasteurization for a lower risk of food poisoning.

8. Reindeer: Reindeer is best consumed in small amounts. It has 22% of fat content and 2.4% lactose. If you want to consume more reindeer milk, you can definitely try the cheese bread, which is called Juustoleipä, a Finnish squeaky cheese.

Can a human drink dog milk?

“Humans are the only species on the planet that drinks another animal’s milk, and cows’ milk is no more natural for us than dogs’ milk”. … Humans are the only species on the planet to drink another animal’s milk, and cows’ milk is no more natural for us than dogs’ or rats’ milk would be.

Peta Fooled People Into Drinking ‘Dogs’ Milk