Is eating bugs harmful to dogs? Get Your Pet Thinking

For the most part, it is safe for our pets to eat most bugs.

Snacking on an insect every now and again should be just fine. Even though we think it is pretty nasty, for them, it’s all about the hunt and the reward of the catch. It really is a tip of the hat to their primal instincts.

However, not all bugs are created equally. Some come with protective gear, whether spines, stingers or an irritating noxious taste. Like the caterpillar, they are notorious for having spines and hairs that can cause local irritation, and one of the monarch butterfly’s claims to fame is its terrible taste. Luckily our pets learn quickly what bugs are okay to chomp on and which ones are not.

Common Questions About Dogs and Bugs

Before we get into the specific bugs, let’s look at some common questions dog owners have about their dogs eating bugs. Chances are you might have these questions too.

Most bugs are pretty harmless to dogs and could even add a bit of protein to their diet. But should they eat them? Since it is totally normal and harmless (for the most part) you can allow them to be curious and explore their world.

You don’t have to encourage them to eat the bugs, they will do that all on their own.

Or will dogs eat bugs? And the answer to both is yes. Dogs are naturally curious creatures. It’s in their nature to play with bugs and even chomp on a few of them.

Bugs Dogs Eat & Their Safety

If there’s a bug, chances are your furry friend will try to play with it and even eat it. Thank goodness most bugs are OK for them to eat.

Now that you know which ones are bad for your dog, let’s look at all the rest. These are the insects dogs eat and how safe they are.

First, let’s look at the creepy crawling ones. Your dog might find them in their food bowl or while they are outside at the park.

Some of these are safe. But a few of them are cause for concern.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Most ants are harmless to dogs. In fact, ants are an excellent source of protein. They also have vitamin C in them.

Keep an eye out for fire ants. If your dog tries to eat them, it could get a nasty sting. It won’t hurt your dog’s stomach, but the stings could be painful on the mouth and nose.

Occasionally, you might see some ants crawling around in your dog’s bowl. This is safe and won’t harm your dog. Although, it might not want to eat the dog food if it sees the ants crawling around (some puppies are just picky like that).

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

For the most part, beetles are safe for your dog to eat. Just keep an eye out because Asian lady beetles (that look like ladybugs) could cause an upset stomach if your dog eats too many of them.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Cicadas are another insect that could cause an upset stomach if your pooch eats too many of them. It’s best to keep them away to protect them.

For some reason, cicadas are almost addicting to dogs. Once they start snacking on them they have a difficult time stopping.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

No, do not let your dog eat cockroaches. Since roaches eat feces, they could cause worms in your dog. If your house has a cockroach problem, do all you can to get rid of them.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Keep your dog away from grasshoppers. Your dog might enjoy chasing them and then munching on them once in a while. But they are not safe.

Grasshoppers can carry pesticides and toxic fertilizers if they hop around in nearby farmer fields. But they can also carry parasites and roundworms.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

These are safe in moderation. Dogs can safely eat one or two June bugs once in a while. But if they eat too many of them they could get an upset stomach and vomiting and diarrhea.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Locusts are also commonly called cicadas and in 2020 lots of cicadas are coming out of their 17-year dormancy. With so many cicadas out there, is it safe for dogs to eat locusts?

According to Pet Poison Helpline, cicadas don’t bite or sting and don’t have any toxins in them, so they are not harmful to pets. If your dog eats too many of them, it might upset their stomach since the bug’s exoskeleton is tough for them to digest. Just keep an eye on your dog, the worst that might happen is they regurgitate it. If you notice them acting lethargic, contact your veterinarian.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Absolutely not! Keep your dog away from slugs. They carry the larvae of a parasite call lungworm.

If they eat this parasite, they could get a respiratory disease, internal hemorrhaging or even die.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Most spiders won’t hurt your dog. But it’s safer to keep your dog away from all spiders in order to protect them from the venomous ones.

If they accidentally eat a Brown Recluse or a Black Widow spider, they could get very sick.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Other than the obvious reason to keep your dog away from stink bugs (they smell so bad!) they won’t hurt your dog that much.

Of course, if they eat too many, it could irritate your dog’s stomach. Your dog might vomit or drool excessively. But these symptoms will pass on their own without hurting your pup’s health.

What about those bugs that fly around and annoy your dog? Is it safe for dogs to eat flying insects? Let’s look at each one.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

The only danger to your dog is if the bee stings it in their mouth or throat. It’s possible for some dogs to swallow a bee in one gulp without getting stung.

Bees are venomous. This means your dog can only get sick if the venom is injected into your dog’s body through the stinger.

They are not poisonous. Poisonous things have the toxin on the outside and your dog can get sick just by licking or eating it (like bad mushrooms).

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Milkweed is toxic to dogs and Monarch butterflies eat milkweed. If a dog eats the butterfly, it will ingest a small amount of milkweed and could get a pretty upset stomach.

Thankfully, it’s pretty rare for dogs to eat butterflies. They have a bitter taste.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Flies are perfectly safe to eat. You might see your dog playing “catch” with flies and trying to snip at them. During this game, they might even catch one. If they do, they are harmless.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Lots of dogs chase moths around the house and eat them. Moths are harmless to dogs, they won’t hurt them at all.

Will eating a worm give dog heartworm? Thankfully the answer is an easy “no, it won’t!” You see, heartworm and worms on the ground are very different things.

Heartworms develop within a dog’s heart after a mosquito carrying the parasite larvae bites them.

Worms like earthworms are not parasites, they are bugs that live in the ground.

Worms are mostly safe for dogs to eat. By themselves, there is nothing unhealthy about them.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

But the problem is that they ingest dirt and deposit more nutrients back into it.

So some of the things the worms might ingest include bacteria and parasites from the ground. If your dog eats this worm, it could be eating some nasty germs too.

The biggest fear is when roundworm eggs are left behind in the dirt from the feces of other dogs. If a worm eats these eggs then your dog could consume them too.

Is eating bugs harmful to dogs?

Mealworms are much smaller than earthworms and you can usually find them in big bunches together. The good news is, mealworms are safe for dogs to eat. They have protein and fat that can actually benefit your dog.

Can Dogs Eat Bugs? | DogVela

Have you ever seen a dog chewing on a bug while enjoying the outdoors? Trust us; it’s not uncommon! You may be wondering if it is safe for your dog to eat bugs. We conducted our research and wanted to share some answers with you.

For the most part, it is safe for dogs to eat most bugs. We may think this is nasty behavior, but from a dog’s point of view, it’s all about the hunt and reward of the catch! We must understand that not all dogs are created equally. Think about it. Some bugs come with protective gear such as spines, stingers, or an irritating taste.

Be aware of parasites! Even if the bugs aren’t too bad to eat in general, there is still the hidden danger of parasites. Your dog can become infected with parasites from eating bugs. Long story short, most bugs are not terrible for our pets to eat. Should you promote the activity of bug eating? We do not recommend it. However, bugs will not usually cause any significant issues. Always pay attention to what your dog is snacking on when outside. Contact the veterinarian immediately if your dog begins to act sick after ingesting a bug.