The Royalty Familys Ali Cameron may be the fiancé of Andrea Espada, but is he also the father of her oldest son, 10-year-old Ferran (via Famous Birthdays)? In a recent video shared to their YouTube page, which boasts a whopping 12.3 million subscribers, Cameron, who is also known online as 4K…
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His background
Ferran is originally from the United States. The US is the place where he was born and raised, and Andrea, his mother, raised him.
Ferran’s social media
Ferran has a YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok account. He uses the name “the_kingferran” on TikTok.
“Kingferran” is his Instagram handle. His own YouTube channel’s name is “Ferralandia.”
Ferran’s childhood
Ferran has been a great public figure since his childhood. Ferran goes to school like a normal kid, and he likes to play video games, has a good sense of fashion. As an 11 years old kid, his fashion sense is unique. He loves dogs, and they have two dogs in their house who are Gucci and Princessa.
Is Ferran related to Ali?
Is Ali and Andrea married?