Can I give my dog honey wheat bread?
Honey wheat bread makes a great snack and is a healthy option for people, but it’s best to avoid sharing bread with your dog. Honey wheat bread is one of the many human foods that dogs should avoid. Likely, your dog won’t hesitate to accept a piece of bread as most dogs will eat anything, but that doesn’t mean that it should be a regular part of your pet’s diet.
If your dog has stolen a piece of honey wheat bread, you’re your breakfast table, he may appear to be fine. You should, however, keep an eye on your pet to ensure that he doesn’t develop any symptoms. It has been known for dogs to become slightly addicted to stealing bread. Many dogs have sensitive stomachs, and some even suffer from a gluten allergy or intolerance.
The Problem With Feeding Honey Wheat Bread to Your Dog
The problem with honey wheat bread and other wholemeal or wheat bread is that they may not be as healthy as they first appear. Many products are marketed as being healthy but are actually made from white flour with added coloring to make them look healthy. Beware, it’s not illegal in America or Canada to make bread look like a healthy wheat loaf and market it as such. This means that many supposedly health breads aren’t as healthy for humans or dogs as they would first appear.
Honey wheat bread is quite calorific, and if your dog is eating proper meals, he won’t need the extra calories. Eating human foods such as honey wheat bread can cause obesity in dogs. Dogs that are overweight will be more at risk of certain health conditions such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, and heart conditions. They will also have a decreased stamina and, in the long term, can suffer from organ failure or even heart failure, as well as liver disease, hypertension, and breathing difficulties. These problems vary a lot in their severity but can ultimately prove to be fatal.
If you do decide to give your dog the odd piece of honey wheat bread, ensure that this is a very rare occurrence. Dogs won’t benefit from the fiber in bread as people do. Honey wheat bread is more likely to give your dog an upset stomach rather than improve digestion.
Honey wheat bread also contains many additives and preservatives, which are best avoided when it comes to a dog’s diet. Dogs shouldn’t be given foods that contain salt or other seasonings.
Dogs can eat natural honey, and this is beneficial for their health as it contains essential vitamins and minerals. It’s best to give your dog a small amount of honey only occasionally. Check that the honey is natural and doesn’t contain any added sugar or nasty ingredients. Dogs certainly can’t eat honey mustard, in case you were wondering. If you do decide to give your dog honey, it’s best to provide them with honey from a jar rather than allowing them to eat foods that contain honey, such as honey wheat bread.
Dogs shouldn’t share too much human food. While they can have some fruit and veg as a healthy treat, it’s best to avoid processed foods such as honey wheat bread or other bread types.
If your dog suffers from digestive issues, and you want to increase his fiber intake, don’t turn to bread. While bread does contain fiber, it can also cause digestive problems for dogs and may make existing problems worse.
Can dogs eat honey wheat bread? Technically they can, and will probably do so with enthusiasm, but vets recommend that you don’t give bread of any type to your dog.
What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Bread?
If your dog eats bread, watch for signs or symptoms of concern, including:
One or two bites of plain white bread without spices, sugar, or butter shouldn’t be too much of a cause for concern. Just prevent your dog from eating it on a regular basis. If your dog ate a loaf of bread, contact your vet.
Can Dogs Eat Bread? Should you Feed Bread to your Dog?
Bread is a pantry staple. Restaurants often bring you a basket of rolls, cornbread or sliced baguette to enjoy before your meal. And loaves are easy to freeze and use for all sorts of sandwiches. But is bread safe for dogs? Find out if you can sneak them a slice under the table. Table Of Contents
First off, is bread okay for dogs? In small amounts, plain, white, and wheat bread should be fine (as long as your dog doesn’t have any allergies).
In fact, in particular situations, your vet might even recommend you give your dog a slice of soft, white bread:
Should dogs eat bread on a regular basis? Giving your dog bread regularly is not recommended.
So while dogs can eat bread, does that mean that bread is good for them? Similar to humans, bread isn’t nutritionally beneficial for dogs. It’s full of carbs, and too much can cause your dog to become overweight. In addition, yeast rises in bread, so it can also expand within your dog’s stomach.
A little bite or two is harmless, but if your dog ate a loaf of bread, then there’s cause for concern. Too much could rupture a dog’s stomach and intestines. In addition, yeast dough is dangerous because as it ferments, it makes alcohol, which could lead to alcohol poisoning.