Is it normal for a cat to hiss at a new puppy? Expert Advice

Matching Dogs and Cats

Not all dogs and cats are compatible. For instance, a fearful cat is not an ideal match for a hyperactive, playful dog. Before you choose a new pet to bring into your home, first consider the personality and energy level of your current pet.

Younger pets tend to be more receptive to new animals. However, small kittens and puppies are vulnerable and may become hurt by a larger dog or cat that likes to play rough.

Older pets are sometimes set in their ways and resistant to new animals. A young, active animal may frustrate or overwhelm the resident senior pet.

Avoid getting a second pet if the resident pet has a serious illness or behavior problem. Treat the pets issues first, then consider another pet.

If possible, adopt a pet that has been tested with the other species. Many pet adoption groups know a pets history or have tried the pet with other animals to determine temperament.

Sadly, some dogs and cats will never learn to accept one another. You may find that you can only have dogs or cats but not both.

Can Dogs and Cats Get Along?

The truth is, cats and dogs live together peacefully in most households. Conflicts most commonly occur during the initial introduction phase. This is because of the typical nature of these animals.

Dogs and cats are both predatory creatures; they are genetically hardwired to hunt and chase smaller creatures. Natural prey drive varies from animal to animal, and breeding often has a great impact on prey drive. For example, some dog breeds were originally bred to hunt and/or kill other animals. The sight of a cat might spark this predatory instinct and lead to a chase or attack.

Cats are less likely to see dogs as prey because of size differences. However, a puppy or very small “teacup” type dog may trigger a cats predatory instinct. Cats may also misinterpret a dogs body language and grow defensive or fearful.

Territorial behavior is commonly displayed by both cats and dogs. The current four-legged resident of the household may feel threatened by the new presence of another creature and become defensive. To send the message that “this is my turf,” cats may growl and hiss at a new dog. Dogs may bark and growl at a new cat. Both species may urinate or defecate inappropriately to mark their territory and gain attention from humans in the house.

In general, a resident cat is often more likely to display territorial and defensive behavior towards a new dog. A resident dog is more likely to see a new cat as prey and chase after that cat. Fortunately, proper introductions and training may be able to change the way dogs and cats see one another.

Will my cat get jealous of a new puppy?

Even if you introduce a puppy slowly, a cat still might exhibit signs of jealousy. … If you pay attention to the puppy, your cat might try to get your attention by getting on your lap or standing in front of the puppy. An extremely jealous cat might even start urinating outside of the litter box.

My CAT HATES My NEW DOG ❌ The Solution!

You may think hissing in cats is a sign of hostility or animosity, but it’s actually a normal way for cats to express fear.

The most common cause of hissing in cats is friction between two unneutered male cats, or between a male cat that’s not neutered and a female cat that’s not spayed that are looking for a potential mate.

Cats can also hiss at people. If your cat hisses when you or another person attempts to handle them, they likely feel threatened. Your cat may also hiss during a vet visit, perhaps while being restrained by the doctor or technicians.

While hissing is normal, it’s a good idea to determine the cause so you can give your cat space and make changes to your cat’s environment if they are scared or stressed. You should also always investigate excessive hissing with your veterinarian to make sure it’s not your cat’s way of telling you that they are in pain or that something else is wrong.