Is it normal for a pregnant dog to have clear discharge? A Step-by-Step Guide

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If youre not planning to breed from your dog then its best to have her spayed. If, however, you make the big decision to allow her to have puppies youre in for quite an adventure – here are a few signs that indicate pregnancy in dogs.

Your dogs teats will become swollen and more prominent 25 -30 days into the pregnancy. She also will start producing a vaginal discharge about one month after mating. You will usually notice her stomach swelling as she puts on weight 45-50 days after conception. Some dogs will also demonstrate a loss of appetite or signs of depression during gestation (pregnancy).

If you think your dog is pregnant you need to take her to the vet. This is both to confirm the pregnancy and to catch any complications that may arise early.

Your veterinarian will use a number of different methods to determine if your dog is pregnant. After 21-25 days your veterinarian can perform a test for relaxin, a hormone produced only by pregnant dogs. This method will confirm pregnancy but not the number of pups.

By feeling your dogs abdomen after 21 days, your vet may detect a thickening of the uterus and the presence of bumps which indicate pregnancy. However a number of things can interfere with this method: an overweight dog, a single puppy or even just nervousness can make it difficult to administer a proper feel.

A stethoscope or ECG can detect puppy heartbeats after twenty-five days but will probably not be able to distinguish individual heartbeats making it a poor tool to determine how many puppies there are.

A common pregnancy assessment is with an ultrasound. This is non-invasive, reliable and can detect puppies at about 28 days.

The most accurate method of counting puppies is with an x-ray, which can detect skeletons after 49 days. Some vets will advise against performing an x-ray to avoid exposing the developing puppies to radiation.

In the months leading up to the birth there is not a lot you need to do for your expecting mother besides ensuring she continues to receive a good, healthy diet. You should encourage her to exercise so shes in good shape for what could be a long and drawn out birth.

In the days before your dog gives birth shell probably start becoming restless and scratching at the ground or in her bed. Shes looking to make a nest for the delivery. You should provide her with an enclosure, ideally this should be something she will be able to come and go from, but confine the puppies.

A cardboard box of an appropriate size for your dog will do or you might consider a small childrens paddling pool. Fill the “nest” with towels, blankets or old sheets. Dont use anything youre hoping to use again though, as giving birth tends to be a messy business.

If you know the day of conception your vet should be able to calculate a due date. Another way is to monitor the mothers temperature when you think shes getting close to giving birth. A dogs temperature is usually around 38.4 degrees. Her temperature will drop to below 37.8 degrees just before birth.

How long after clear discharge does a dog have puppies?

The first fetus should be delivered within 2 to 3 hours after the beginning of the start of hard labor. As long as the bitch’s vaginal discharge is clear and she is not in hard labor, she should not be disturbed. Puppies can live in the uterus for up to 24 hours after labor starts.

Anything that deviates from your dams normal behavior might be an early indication of pregnancy. For example, a stand-offish dam may suddenly become clingy, while a normally affectionate dam may seek to be left alone. These behavioral changes may also indicate other health issues. Youll likely notice something is off, so pay attention and follow up with your vet if you suspect something is up.

Do pregnant dogs sleep more often? Should you see discharge from a pregnant dog, starting as early as two to four weeks? Whether you know or simply suspect your dam has been bred, youll want to know more about dog pregnancy symptoms so you can tell if the breeding was successful.

The following list begins with the earliest signs of dog pregnancy and progresses through late-term signs. Please note that not every dam will experience each and every symptom. It is usually the presence of a group of symptoms that gives owners a decent idea of whether their dog is truly pregnant. Related Articles

At 28 days gestation, it is possible for an experienced veterinarian to gently feel the pea-sized embryos implanted along the uterine horns. Its important to allow your vet to do this for you so you dont accidentally damage any of the embryos by pushing too hard. Sometimes, the vet is actually able to count how many puppies there might be, but its difficult to be completely accurate.

If you suspect your dog is pregnant, bring her to the veterinarian as soon as possible to be checked out. Once you receive positive test results, learn about the week-by-week progression of pregnancy to know what to expect. Make sure to follow up and ask your vet about scheduling additional visits. Be sure to work diligently with your veterinarian to ensure both her and her pups remain healthy. Trending on LoveToKnow

Is it normal for a pregnant dog to leak fluid?

If there is one question that I often see posted online…or even asked personally…it’s whether the vaginal discharge coming from their vulva is normal or something to worry about. The fact is there are many different types of discharge you can see and any discharge can be worrisome if you are new to breeding.

Since it is something that many people are wondering about, it is good to sit down and look at discharge. Find out what is normal, what you should watch and what you should worry about.

So let’s get started and look at the different types of discharge you can see coming from your pregnant dog’s vulva.