Bacterial Infections
Dogs typically develop bacterial infections within their gastrointestinal tracts as a result of eating contaminated food or drinking contaminated water. Salmonella, listeria, clostridium, E. coli and other bacterial species can all lead to puppy diarrhea and other serious symptoms.
Causes of Puppy Diarrhea
Puppies can develop diarrhea for a number of reasons, some of which are more serious than others. Let’s look at some of the most common answers to the question “Why does my dog have diarrhea?”
Viruses and Infections
Puppies immune systems are not fully developed when they are very young and havent completed their full set of vaccines. This means they are generally more susceptible than adult dogs to bacterial or viral infections.
Both types of infection should be addressed immediately because they have the potential to be fatal. Common bacterial infections include salmonella and E. coli, but there are many other bacteria that can infect your pet.
Viral infections such as parvovirus and distemper, as well as coronavirus, can infect an unvaccinated puppy and cause diarrhea, and all are dangerous. If your puppy is suffering from an infection theres a good chance youll see additional symptoms such as fever, lethargy, and/or lack of appetite.
Puppies can acquire some intestinal parasites such as roundworms and giardia from their mothers very soon after birth. They can also pick them up from the ground or infected water while outside. Most common intestinal parasites can be treated with the right medications from your vet, but some, if not treated, can be dangerous to your pets long-term health.
Puppies digestive systems are still developing, and some puppies may have sensitive stomachs or have a hard time with particular brands or types of foods. Most will also respond poorly to a quick change in diet. A few have food allergies that can lead to diarrhea. Check with your vet to be sure the food youve selected is a good match for your puppys needs; there are many different types of food available, and one will certainly be right for your pet.
In addition to having sensitive digestive systems, puppies are also curious and may mouth or ingest almost anything they find interesting. This can include string, garbage, or virtually anything they find on the ground. In some cases, this can be dangerous; certain objects can cause intestinal blockages while others can be toxic.
If your puppy has just been separated from its mother and siblings, chances are its feeling some level of stress. Stress can be exacerbated by factors such as other pets in the house, unexpected sounds or smells, new foods, and new schedules. You can help your puppy overcome stress by providing a calm, predictable schedule, regular feedings and exercise, and plenty of affection.
It’s always best to get a vet check first, but he or she may recommend that milder forms of diarrhea be treated at home. For instance, if it’s been less than three days, your puppy still feels and acts well, and the diarrhea has a pudding-like appearance, home care is usually appropriate.
Until you see the vet, however, withhold food (but never water) for 12 to 24 hours. This allows the gut to rest and gives the irritation a chance to heal. However, don’t withhold food any longer than 24 hours without direction from your veterinarian.
Make sure that water is always available for your puppy, as it’s very easy to quickly become dehydrated. Plus, sudden watery diarrhea can spill large amounts of fluid and important electrolytes out of the body. If your pet is reluctant to drink, offer ice cubes to lick. Pedialyte or Gatorade half diluted with water can counter the dehydration as well.
Pepto-Bismol and Kaopectate may also help your pup. Use a needleless syringe or a turkey baster to squirt the medicine into his or her mouth. If appropriate for your pups situation, your vet will know the proper dosage.
It usually takes a couple of days for your puppy’s upset tummy to calm down, so a bland diet is suggested. Offer cooked plain white rice or plain, soft, cooked macaroni in a no-salt chicken broth. For more flavor, you can stir in a tablespoon of low-fat cottage cheese or plain yogurt. Yogurt contains beneficial bacteria that can help rebalance the disruption caused by diarrhea in your puppy. You can also try adding a little pumpkin flavor, as its high fiber content can assist with constipation or diarrhea, allowing the stool to normalize.
The best thing you can do for your puppy is to make sure there is plenty of healthy and balanced food and exercise provided daily. New diets should be transitioned into slowly when puppies are young. Its possible that your puppy is getting into some spoiled food through the garbage can, so keeping those out of reach and being strict about not feeding your puppy any human food scraps is key. You will also want to stay current on your pups vaccinations, and check for any lingering parasites.
When it comes to your puppys environment, make sure that its stress-free. If your puppy is in a kennel with other pets, youll want to ensure that its clean and disinfected. Puppies are sensitive to their surroundings, so its helpful to stay on a regular routine for sleep, food, exercise, and walks. Another thing that can help is providing some weekly obedience training. On walks, youll want to keep an eye out for any plant or puddle consumption, as feces can be present which can lead to diarrhea. When youre unable to supervise your puppy, you may want to keep it kenneled to prevent any accidents. If you suspect your pet is sick, call your vet immediately. For health-related questions, always consult your veterinarian, as they have examined your pet, know the pets health history, and can make the best recommendations for your pet.
Dog parents have to have a high tolerance for being grossed out. We’re expected to clean up after our pups, and not many of them are trained to use a toilet.
But picking up your dog’s poop isn’t just a courtesy or a matter of public health; it’s a chance for you to find out what’s going on inside your pup. Dog feces can tell you a lot about a dog’s health and what may be wrong with their diet.
Just make sure you pick up some poop bags before your next walk! DogTime recommends these more earth-friendly poop bags to clean up after your pup.
If you see anything unusual about your dog’s poop, then it’s time for a call to your vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment! Here are a few things your dog’s stool can indicate.
You should be familiar with your dog’s normal stool so that you can monitor any changes. The volume, color, and odor are important to note, too.
Dogs who get too much fiber tend to produce high volume with a strong odor. This happens with certain dry food diets, as your dog can’t process all the nutrients and pushes them out. Raw food diets can result in smaller stool with a weaker smell.
Any of these can be normal depending on your dog’s diet, so pay attention to what your pup’s poop usually looks and smells like.
Dogs who eat a raw food diet that’s high in calcium or bone might pass stool that is chalky and white. This can be a sign that your dog is at risk for obstipation, which is an inability to evacuate their bowels without outside help.
This chronic constipation can lead to lethargy, loss of appetite, and vomiting. It requires help from a veterinarian, so save these stool samples and bring them in.
If you see white or tan specks in your dog’s stool, you should save a sample and bring it to your vet right away.
Your vet should be able to detect these things before you see evidence in your dog’s stool, which is why you should always go in for regular check-ups.