Is it OK to put dog poo in the toilet? A Step-by-Step Guide

What Does EPA Say?

Before explaining different ways to dispose of dog poop, we must see what the Environmental Protection Agency says about the topic. According to EPA’s brochure on pet waste, throwing dog waste into the toilet is tolerable.

The second preferred option is to put the dog’s waste in the trash.

Here’s what EPA stated about flushing pet feces: The water in your toilet goes to a sewage treatment plant that removes most pollutants before the water reaches a river or stream.

In other words, dog poop can’t contaminate local streams and rivers after you flush it down the drains.

Is it Safe to Flush Dog Poop Down the Toilet?

Yes, it’s safe for dog owners to flush their dog poop down the toilet. The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) recommends it. According to the agency, flushing dog poop down the toilet is not only safe, but it’s one of the most eco-friendly ways of disposing of dog poop.

When you flush poops down the toilet, they end up in the sewer treatment plant. In the plant, most pollutants get removed before the waste is emptied into the stream or river.

So, flushing dog poop in the toilet won’t harm the next person who immediately uses the toilet after flushing. It also won’t cause any serious pollution of the streams or rivers.

However, before you start flushing dog poop in your toilet, ask the water and sewage treatment control center if they can tackle the pathogens that accompany pet waste. Be sure about this before you start flushing your dog poop. If you go ahead and flush without confirming, you might run into trouble with the authorities.

A Handy Tip: Before you flush your dog pet’s poop down your toilet, check to ensure the scooped poop isn’t accompanied by other debris that could clog your toilet.

Differences Between Human and Dog Poop

Are there any differences between human and dog poop? There are many distinctions, but we will point out two significant features:

Can I Flush Dog Poop Down The Toilet?