Is milk harmful to dogs? A Complete Guide

What Will Happen If Your Dog Drinks Milk?

Without the abundance of the enzyme lactase that breaks down sugars in milk, adult dogs can have a more difficult time digesting it. The lactose found in milk will pass through their GI tracts and into their colons undigested, and this undigested sugar will draw water into the colon causing diarrhea, and the fermentation of bacteria in their colon may result in flatulence and discomfort. “Due to the deficient levels of lactase, milk ingestion can lead to GI upset including diarrhea and vomiting,” says Liff. “Additionally, whole fat milk or other dairy products may contain too much fat and can also lead to diarrhea and vomiting too.” Dogs may also develop a potentially serious disease called pancreatitis if they eat dairy products—particularly high fat dairy products—that are unfamiliar to them.

Is Milk Good or Bad for Dogs?

Milk is an excellent source of calcium, potassium, and vitamin D. But is it at all beneficial for our thirsty pups?

Jamie Whittenburg, DVM at Senior Tail Waggers and the director of Kingsgate Animal Hospital in Lubbock, Texas, says there is no reason for dogs to drink milk.

“Milk is one of the top two leading food allergens for dogs, so many cannot tolerate it,” she says.

Signs your dog may have a milk allergy, or a food allergy in general, can include:

  • Itchiness
  • Licking at their paws
  • Red, irritated skin
  • Hair loss
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Whittenburg adds, “[Milk] is high in fat and calories but isnt filling, so it is not a great option for dogs and may cause excessive weight gain if included in their diet.”

    If you have a young puppy, you might wonder if goat milk is appropriate to give. While it must be pasteurized to feed, Whittenburg says its not recommended because goat milk is not a complete or balanced milk. (Instead, use a newborn puppy formula if you need to bottle-feed your pup.) As for adult dogs, goat milk is not filling or needed—and it could give them an upset stomach.

    With that said, its probably OK to let Fido have a small amount of milk every once in a while, assuming he can tolerate it. “In moderation” is usually best when it comes to human foods we can safely share with our dogs!


    Milk is both high fat and calorie dense. If your dog suffers from obesity, this snack may get in the way of their weight loss plan. You can opt for dog-friendly fruits and veggies as a healthy human food alternative, or you can make sure to reduce your dogs calories throughout the day whenever your dog drinks milk.

    While conventional wisdom may suggest you turn to skim milk to address weight problems, recent research in humans suggests that full-fat milk may be better for weight management than fat-free milk — just make sure to keep the serving size small.

    Can Dogs drink milk? Is Milk harmful for your puppy?

    The beverage may be cholk full of benefits for the humans, but can dogs drink milk – or is milk bad for dogs? Ultimately, it depends on the dogs digestive system, so the answer changes on a case-by-case basis. Its unlikely that drinking a small amount would be toxic to pets, but it should never be consumed in large volume, and some dogs should avoid it altogether.

    It all comes down to lactose – a natural sugar found in milk – and your pup’s ability to digest it. Read on to learn how to tell if your dog is lactose-intolerant, how much milk is safe for dogs with strong stomachs, and more details on the presence of dairy in dogs diet.

    Pro Tip: A pet insurance plan can cover the cost of allergy testing and management, in addition to helping you afford vet care for many other illnesses and injuries covered in your policy.