Is Onion OK for dogs? A Step-by-Step Guide

Why Are Onions Bad for Dogs?

While the mechanism of toxicity is unclear for some food like grapes, the mechanism by which onions can harm your pup is well known.

Onions contain a chemical called N-propyl disulfide that’s toxic for dogs. This chemical binds to a dog’s red blood cells, causing oxidative damage. The red blood cell membrane becomes fragile, causing the red blood cells to burst, which is known as hemolysis. Red blood cells are necessary to carry oxygen throughout the body, and when they are destroyed, vital organs will not get enough oxygen.

What Should I Do If My Dog Eats Onions?

If your dog is exhibiting the above symptoms and you know or suspect that he or she has ingested onions or a related food, it is recommended that you speak with your veterinarian or call the Pet Poison Helpline, a 24/7 animal poison control center, at 1-800-213-6680 right away to have the risk of poisoning assessed. Time is of the essence when dealing with any case of poisoning, including onion poisoning.

You may be surprised to learn just how much onion we humans consume on a daily basis. Onion and onion powder are added into a vast number of recipes from soups to sauces, and this versatile vegetable is known for bringing an unforgettable flavour to dishes. With onions included as an ingredient in so many things, it’s caused many a pet parent to pause and ask the question “can dogs eat onions or foods that contain them?”

Find out if onions are bad for dogs and more in this guide.

No, dogs shouldn’t eat onions. These vegetables contain a compound called N-propyl disulphide which is highly toxic for dogs. This compound can cause the breakdown and eventual destruction of red blood cells and lead to anaemia. In extreme cases, onion poisoning can be fatal for dogs.

Garlic and Onion toxicity in dogs. What to expect and do if your dog eats garlic or onions

This post will give you everything you need to know about the complex and toxic relationship between onions and dogs, including what makes onions a major no-no for canines, what will happen to your dog if he happens to ingest an onion, and what action you should take should such an instance occur. In most cases, it’s important to take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.