Is Pheasant OK for dogs? Tips and Tricks

Hip & Joint Benefits of Pheasant Feet for Dogs

Is Pheasant OK for dogs?

Pheasant feet are a great natural source of glucosamine and chondroitin.

  • Glucosamine is a naturally occurring compound that is found in higher amounts in healthy cartilage. It helps to repair body tissues which can be especially beneficial for dogs with arthritis, hip dysplasia, or spinal disc injuries. It is also great for preventative maintenance.
  • Chondroitin is found in cartilage and promotes water retention and elasticity in the tissue. By doing so, it helps to ensure proper shock absorption and nourishment of cartilage.
  • Glucosamine and chondroitin work as a team to build and protect healthy or damaged tissue. Together, this dynamic duo can provide benefits to your dog’s bones, joints, cartilage, and connective tissue. They can also help to ease recovery from certain surgeries.

    Dental Benefits of Pheasant Feet for Dogs

    Our freeze-dried pheasant feet not only offer internal benefits for your hard-working dog, but they also help keep their dental health. When your dog chews on them, they act like a toothbrush by naturally removing plaque and improving gum health. While some dogs don’t mind a good tooth brushing, some do. If your dog is not a fan, pheasant feet are a great alternative.

    Dental disease happens to be the most common disease in dogs. It affects 76% of all canines in the U.S. every year. Without dental care, your dog can face not only bad breath but an increased risk of heart, liver, and/or kidney problems.

    What are the health benefits of pheasant for dogs?

    The nutrients in pheasant meat account for many health benefits for dogs. Below are a few health benefits of pheasants for dogs!

    Protein is found in abundance in pheasant. The essential amino acids ensure stronger muscles and bones while repairing pooches’ cells and tissues. Pheasant contains even higher protein content than chicken and beef. It has a decent amount of calcium which also contributes to healthier bones.

    Potassium is present in pheasant meat which promotes an improved nerve function. It helps in nerve conduction by sending electrical charges throughout the body. Potassium also defends against kidney stones and strokes.

    Eating pheasant meat can also protect your furry friend from harmful diseases. Zinc present in the meat ensures a healthy immune system. It also aids in regulating thyroid function.

    Pheasant meat carries a decent amount of vitamin A. This antioxidant maintains healthy vision while also treating eye inflammations in dogs. The risk of eye infections is significantly reduced by intaking a balanced amount of vitamins.

    Free radicals are fatal. They can damage a dog’s enzymes, cell membrane, and DNA. Vitamin C in pheasant protects the dog’s body against free radicals while also treating any inflammation in the canine.

    There is a decent amount of vitamin B in pheasant meat. It regulates different biochemical reactions in the dog’s body, maintaining a healthy metabolism. A healthy metabolism means more energy, reduced risk of obesity, and better sleep for your pooch.

    Iron is necessary for the process of respiration. Iron is directly involved in hemoglobin formation, which carries oxygen from the lungs throughout the body. Pheasant meat contains a fair amount of essential minerals.

    Vitamin E in pheasant ensures healthy skin and fur in dogs by protecting the skin cells against oxidant damage. A healthier coat is responsible for maintaining body temperature in pooches.

    A Bird Dog’s First Pheasant Hunt | The Flush: Season 9, Episode #5