Is Scotts Turf Builder Harmful To Dogs

For homeowners who want a lush, green lawn, Scotts is one of the best-known lines of products. Several of those products, from straightforward weed-control mixtures to combined fertilizer and weed-control products, contain Scotts Halts herbicide for crabgrass control. Its generally considered to be safe for pets, when applied as directed, though there are some modest risks.

Halts is whats called a preemergent herbicide, meaning it kills the weeds before they get started. Specifically, in this case, it prevents crabgrass seeds from germinating as the soil warms up. It should be applied late enough in spring for your grass to be well-established, so the pesticide wont hurt it. It also has to be applied before the soil is warm enough for the crabgrass seeds to germinate.

Scotts suggests applying the product before the third or fourth mowing, and before daytime temperatures consistently reach the 80s Fahrenheit. You can apply again in late fall, if you wish.

To make sure a product like Scotts Turf Builder plus Halts or Scotts Step 1 is safe for pets, make a point of keeping your pets in the house when youre going to apply the product. Apply your product when the grass is dry, using the spreader settings provided on the product packaging or Scotts website. Scotts says it isnt necessary to water in these products immediately, and if it stays dry, you can let your dog back onto the grass right away.

Alternatively, if you dont want to worry about Fido in case of rain, you can water it in. Give your grass the equivalent of 1/4 to 1/2 inch of water to thoroughly wash the product into the soil. To minimize transfer of Halts® from the ground to paws and fur, and eventually mouths, let it dry completely before your pets go back out. If your dogs need to “use the facilities” in the meantime, take them up a concrete walkway to the street and walk them to a suitable spot. Outdoor cats just have to bide their time until its safe for them to go out.

The generic name for Halts is pendimethalin. Lawn service professionals might be required by the Occupation Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to wear protective clothing and respirators while theyre applying it, which can certainly be alarming, but its not as bad as it looks. The big risk with pendimethalin comes from chronic exposure over an extended period, which is mostly a risk for people who work with it consistently. Applying small amounts, once or twice a year, is much less of a concern.

For humans, pendimethalin is a class-C carcinogen, meaning theres a modest risk it can cause cancer; specifically thyroid cancer. Laboratory testing has shown that it doesnt cause birth defects or developmental delays in animals, and it doesnt harm their immune or nervous systems. It is a known irritant for the liver and thyroid, though, which is the main area of concern for pet owners. Vomiting, drooling and diarrhea are common short-term symptoms of dogs whove consumed fertilizer, but theyre generally mild and will pass on their own within a day.

An internet search of “pet safe fertilizers” brings up any number of sites where users can rate their experiences. These arent necessarily a meaningful guide when choosing a lawn care product, for a number of reasons. Some have an organic focus, for example, and automatically attract those who reject the use of “toxic chemicals” on their lawn.

Even stories of lost pets, though tragic, should be viewed with a degree of skepticism. Scientists have a saying that “correlation is not causality,” or in other words, “A happening after B doesnt mean A happened because of B.” You can read the Environmental Protection Agencys assessment of pendimethalin for yourself and find dozens of animal studies on the National Institutes of Healths ToxNet (Toxicology Data Network) website, which clearly states what a particular fertilizer will and wont do to your four-legged friends.

Fred Decker is a trained chef and prolific freelance writer. He was educated at Memorial University of Newfoundland and the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. His articles have appeared on numerous home and garden sites including Our Everyday Life, GoneOutdoors, TheNest and eHow.

Scotts Turf Builder Weed and Feed 3 is safe for pets when it is used according to the product label. You want to make sure pets are not in the area while applying the product. Once the treated areas dry completely, chewing or eating grass will not be harmful and your pet can resume normal activity within the area.

What if Your Dog Eats Scotts Turf Builder?

If your dog eats Scotts Turf Builder directly from the bag it may experience vomiting, excessive drooling, or diarrhea for the next 24 hours. However, these symptoms are not deadly. So, even in this worst-case scenario, your pet is relatively safe.

  • If your dog eats Scotts Turf Builder granules from the bag it may vomit, drool, and/or experience diarrhea.
  • The side effects of eating fertilizer are not deadly to your dog.
  • A dog that eats grass or other plants treated with Scotts Turf Builder will not experience any ill effects.
  • Water in fertilizer after application so your dog cannot lick or eat undissolved fertilizer granules.
  • If your dog eats grass treated with Scotts Turf Builder, it will not experience any negative side effects. As long as the fertilizer has been watered into the soil, it will be distributed through the ground, making it practically harmless. Just make sure to water your fertilizer in after application. This prevents your dog from tracking through fertilizer granules, which it may lick off its paws later.

    What Type of Fertilizer is Toxic to Dogs?

    Fertilizers containing herbicides and pesticides are less safe than fertilizers without these additives. However, even fertilizers with herbicide or pesticide additives can be used safely in a lawn where dogs roam. The common herbicides in Scotts products may cause your dog to experience vomiting, diarrhea, and drooling if it eats the fertilizer, but these symptoms typically do not last longer than one day.

  • Fertilizers with herbicide or pesticide added are a larger poison risk to dogs than plain fertilizer.
  • If your fertilizer packaging claims it prevents or kills weeds, it contains herbicide.
  • If your fertilizer claims to kill insects, it contains pesticides.
  • Water fertilizers with additives into the soil and allow your lawn to dry before you let your dogs into the yard.
  • To prevent your dog from eating or otherwise coming in contact with fertilizer combined with weed-killer, apply the fertilizer, water it into the soil, and allow your lawn to fully dry. Once the lawn is dry, it’s safe for pets. You should also sweep up any fertilizer on sidewalks or driveways. This will discourage curious dogs from tasting it and prevent the fertilizer from being washed into the storm drain, where it can harm the water supply.

    Is Turf Builder bad for dogs?

    The company claims you can let your dog back onto your lawn right after applying Scotts weed and feed pet safe Turf Builder Lawn Food.

    It won’t cause any symptoms or any ill effects. However, if you decide to water in the fertilizer immediately after application. Then you need to keep your pet away and avoid contact while the products are wet.


    Is Scotts Turf Builder fertilizer safe for dogs?

    Like children, dogs and other pets also enjoy playing and running through the grass. But after fertilizing, it’s also best practice to limit their use of the lawn for 24-72 hours.

    How long until dogs can go on fertilized lawn Scotts?

    Answer: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix is pet safe as long as it is used as directed on the label. Pet safe means as long as you follow the application directions for this product, it will not be harmful to your pet.

    Is Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed safe for dogs?

    Answer: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix is pet safe as long as it is used as directed on the label. Pet safe means as long as you follow the application directions for this product, it will not be harmful to your pet.

    Is Scotts Turf Builder toxic?

    Answer: Scotts Turf Builder Grass Seed Sun and Shade Mix is pet safe as long as it is used as directed on the label. Pet safe means as long as you follow the application directions for this product, it will not be harmful to your pet.