Is there any mouse poison safe for dogs? Simple and Effective Tips

What would rat poison do to a dog?

There are several different types of rat poison and they act differently depending on the poisonous ingredient they contain. The most common type in the UK are anticoagulant rodenticides which prevent the blood from clotting, leading to internal bleeding.

Other varieties include cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) which ultimately causes severe, acute kidney failure, bromethalin which works to cause brain swelling and zinc and aluminium phosphides which release phosphine gas once in the stomach.

There are also a number of increasingly popular rodent poisons on the market containing the substance alphachloralose. This works by depressing the central nervous system and treatment is very different to poisoning by anticoagulant rodenticides.

The most common signs seen with this type of poisoning include:

  • coughing (due to blood in the lungs)
  • difficulty breathing
  • weakness
  • decreased activity
  • pale gums
  • Other signs can include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea (with or without blood), bruised skin, bloody urine and bleeding from the gums.

    Fortunately, an antidote to poisons that contain long-acting anticoagulant is available from your veterinarian.

    Bromethalin, another common type of mouse and rat poison, causes swelling of the brain and spinal cord. Only a small amount of this poison needs to be consumed before signs of poisoning occur. Cats are particularly sensitive to bromethalin, meaning a very tiny amount can cause life-threatening symptoms and worse.

    Signs of bromethalin poisoning can include incoordination (stumbling or staggering), paralysis, tremors and seizures. Pet Poison Helpline, one of two animal poison control centers in North America, does not recommend using this product in or around your home if you have a cat.

    What does rat poison look like?

    Rodenticides vary in colour and can come in different forms, such as pellets, blocks, grains, gels and liquids.

    Many of these products look very similar, making it extremely difficult to identify the type of rat poison based on appearance alone.

    That’s why it’s vital that you know the exact product your dog has been exposed to so your vet can provide the appropriate treatment.

    Pet Connection Extra – Mouse Poison is POISON!