Kci Registered Dog Breeders

KCI is Kennel Club of India, a professional body that maintains Dog Breed Standard in India and organizes All India All Breed Championship Dog Shows. The KCI is ISO 9001- 2000 certified. KCI head office is in Chennai, India.

KCI Publishes a monthly magazine called IKG (Indian Kennel Gazette). To subscribe IKG you need to download the form and send it to the KCI by Snail mail. 1 year IKG Subscription is for Rs.300 and 2 years IKG subscription is for Rs.550.

To get best of breed and to show your dog in KCI dog shows KCI registration is needed. If you are buying a KCI registered dog it means that you will get a KCI registration certificate from the breeder. KCI makes sure that the breed is up to the mark and at the time of whelping a KCI representative may also visit the breeder, to ensure maintenance of breed standards.

The registration certificate carries pedigree of 5 generations of the puppy. If the puppy comes with champion bloodline the registration will have parent’s name with Ch. as prefix. The cost of the puppy depends on number of champs appearing in the registration papers… greater the number of champs, costlier the puppy.

The dog will be easily registered if its parents are registered with the Kennel Club of India (KCI). The breeder will then give you a ownership transfer form. One side of the form should be signed by the dog’s previous owners. After registration, the KCI will hand you the dog’s pedigree papers which will help you to show your dog in KCI shows. This is known as transfer of ownership. It is mandatory to be an IKG subscriber to apply for Transfer of Ownership.

If you have a dog whose parents were not registered with KCI than the breeder cannot give you the papers. The KCI registers the dog as “Registration with Unknown Pedigree” fee for the same is Rs. 337/- (WEF 1 Nov 2012). For this you need take your dog to a nominated judge or KCI nominated expert for the expert opinion, when it’s a year-old. You need to obtain his signature in an enclosed declaration form. 3 colored photographs of the dog must be sent to the KCI with the signature of the authorized expert person on the reverse of the photographs.

I have a Golden Retriever called Bella. I have always lived with pets since I was born. My father was a professor in veterinary sciences. I write to share my experience of pet keeping.

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Kci Registered Dog Breeders

Kci Registered Dog Breeders

Kci Registered Dog Breeders

Puppies listed hereunder are duly registered with INKC, and every puppy will carry its own CTF (Certified Transfer Form), which the Buyer must insist on receiving with delivery of puppy, duly signed by the Breeder. The purchaser (new Owner) then simply has to fill in his/her details, sign, and submit this CTF in original to the INKC before the specified date mentioned. INKC will then issue the puppy’s permanent Registration Certificate in the new owner’s name, free of charge.

INKC offers this service free of charge or commission, and in good faith, to Breeders who register their litters, and opt for the free listing. It also obviates the need for Breeders to depend upon dealers, brokers and middle-men who are often unreliable, and provide no Registration Certificates or fake ones.

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Which is the best breeder by India?

KCI is Kennel Club of India, a professional body that maintains Dog Breed Standard in India and organizes All India All Breed Championship Dog Shows.