My Dog Ate 20 Chocolate Chip Cookies

While you might need to get your pup treated as soon as possible, there’s no need to worry! Treatment is readily available, and chances are, your vet has dealt with countless similar cases. Of course, the first and most important step is simply to not panic! As long as you keep a level head, your dog will be just fine!

Naturally, you’ll need to take stock of the situation and its severity. If possible, try to figure out just how many cookies your dog got their paws on. Though you should probably call up your vet either way, it’s less of a crisis if your pup snuck one cookie than if they raided the entire batch.

What Should I Do if My Dog Ate Chocolate? If you think your dog has eaten chocolate, or they have any of these symptoms, contact the Pet Poison Helpline at 855-764-7661 or your veterinarian or emergency vet right away: Vomiting. Diarrhea.

As soon as you realize your dog has eaten chocolate, ensure that they do not eat any more.

Keep hold of packaging where possible, as the weight of the product and the cocoa content (usually stated on the pack) may help your vet calculate whether a toxic dose has been consumed. The ingredient list on the packaging may also alert the vet to other toxic ingredients such as raisins or macadamia nuts. Remember that chocolate cookies with added chocolate chips will have more cocoa than a plain cookie with chocolate chips – so keep an eye out for that.

They will need to know the weight of your dog, the type of chocolate, any other ingredients in the cookie, and the amount consumed. You should also let them know if any packaging is missing. Your vet will then calculate the likelihood of toxic effects and make a recommendation. If a low dose has been consumed, then it may not be necessary to provide treatment. However, if a significant dose has been consumed then your vet may recommend a visit to the vet clinic.

Can Dogs Eat Chocolate Chip Cookies?

Chocolate chip cookies contain chocolate, which is poisonous to dogs. Luckily, the amount of chocolate in a cookie is usually small, but if the chocolate is dark chocolate or your dog eats several cookies, they could be bad for dogs. In addition, chocolate-chip cookies can contain other ingredients that could make them worse for dogs. Added raisins, nuts, or cocoa all make them more toxic. It is not recommended that you feed your dog chocolate chip cookies, as they can be poisonous.

My Dog Ate 20 Chocolate Chip Cookies

What Happens When A Dog Eats Chocolate?

When dogs eat chocolate, the ingredients within the chocolate function as stimulants to a dog’s brain and nervous system…

And the reaction that your dog has will usually depend upon the amount of chocolate that your dog swallowed, the type of chocolate, and the size and weight of your dog…

My Dog Ate 20 Chocolate Chip Cookies

Some dogs may have no reaction at all, especially if they only consumed a small amount of chocolate with low levels of toxic ingredients…

Other dogs experience moderate problems such as upset stomach, diarrhea, and vomiting…

Then there are those dogs who, unfortunately, may contend with life-threatening problems, such as cardiac arrest or issues with the brain and nervous system…

These dogs can experience things like seizures and muscle tremors, and they may not be able to survive after ingesting the chocolate…

As I mentioned before, a lot depends on the size of your dog and how much chocolate he or she ingested…

For example, if you have a small dog that consumed a large amount of dark chocolate, then the effects will probably be severe or even life-threatening…

If you have a large dog who consumed a large amount of milk chocolate, on the other hand, then the effects may not be as severe (but keep in mind they still could be)…

The best thing to do is to contact a veterinarian regardless of your dog’s size because the vet will be able to assess the situation best and explain what you should do…


What happens if a dog eats 20 chocolate chip cookies?

Chocolate poisoning can cause severe symptoms and even death. Monitor your dog closely if she has eaten chocolate chip cookies, and call your vet immediately if you notice signs of chocolate poisoning, including those below.

How many chocolate chip cookies can hurt a dog?

Most cases of chocolate ingestion are not fatal, and in most instances, a dog that ate a chocolate chip cookie will do just fine, especially if caught early enough. If there has been a delay in providing treatment, it may be necessary to administer activated charcoal to your dog once they have stopped vomiting.