My Dog Ate A Whole Ham

Ham is fatty meat that is very rich, so it can cause diarrhea in some dogs. The high-fat content of the meat can cause pancreatitis, which can lead to diarrhea. If you have fed your dog ham and he is now experiencing diarrhea, you should seek advice from your veterinary surgeon.

Should You Be Worried If Your Dog Ate A Ham Bone?

Yes, you should be worried if your dog consumed an entire ham bone. The bone fragments can cause severe gastrointestinal issues and might even lead to death in some cases.

The next 24 hours after your dog eats a ham bone are crucial. During this period, you need to be extra vigilant and keep a close eye on any symptoms that might indicate a problem.

Depending on your dog’s size and how much bone they consumed, the risk might be neutral or quite substantial. In any case, we highly recommend getting in touch with your vet if you notice any symptoms or unusual behavior.

My Dog Ate A Whole Ham

What Happens When Dogs Eat Ham Bones

Bones are not that bad for dogs. Chewing on raw ham bones can be quite beneficial for their dental health and digestion. But if you do not supervise your dog with a ham bone, you might soon find it gone.

The sharp canines and incisors of your dog can help them breakdown an entire ham bone in just a few minutes. When they’re chewing on the bone, it breaks into hundreds of fragments that are capable of doing a lot of damage to your dog’s digestive organs.

Some dogs might even swallow a small piece of bone without noticing. And in most cases, this piece is what causes hundreds of dogs to get rushed to the ER each year.

Here are some of the most common risks associated with eating cooked bones for dogs:

Can Dogs Eat Ham?

The good news is that ham is not toxic to dogs. However, it doesn’t really provide your fur baby with much in the way of valuable nutrients. Plus, it’s usually high in sodium and fat.

High levels of sodium and fat are not good for dogs but feeding your dog a bite of ham once in a while should be OK.


What happens if your dog eats ham?

Even the preservatives used in ham are loaded with nitrates and nitrites, which are sodium-based. In fact, salt can be toxic to dogs. It can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, excessive thirst and urination, lethargy, and abnormal fluid accumulation.

Will ham bones dissolve in a dog’s stomach?

Chewing on raw ham bones can be quite beneficial for their dental health and digestion. But if you do not supervise your dog with a ham bone, you might soon find it gone. The sharp canines and incisors of your dog can help them breakdown an entire ham bone in just a few minutes.

Can a dog survive eating a ham bone?

This, like pancreatitis, is a veterinary emergency. Dr. Smithson adds that because cooked bones don’t break down easily in the GI tract, ham bones can cause major internal damage. Really, you shouldn’t feed your dog any type of cooked bone at all, she advises.