Natural Dog Repellent For Carpet

Mans best friends may be great for companionship, but they sure can wreak havoc on gardens and upholstery. Whatever the reasons you want to keep a dog away, there are many dog repellents that are easy and cheap to make at home.

Important note: Do not use ammonia as a dog repellent. While ammonia will keep dogs away from almost anything because the smell irritates their noses, it can cause damage to their throats and stomachs if consumed. Always check with your vet before using any chemical or substance around your pets. Now Thats a Doggone Good Idea

According to, a great way to stop Fido from trying to dig to China is to bury flat rocks just below the surface at noted digging spots. Or, if you have a sprinkler system, set up a motion detector to spray your pooch and run him off at the first sign of a dig.

Why you should not use aggressive dog repellents

Regardless of whether you are looking for repellents to stop urinating and defecating in the home or to scare away dogs from your property, it is essential to avoid mixtures and methods that are harmful to dogs. For this reason, you should never use the following as anti dog repellents:

  • Naphthalene
  • Hot pepper or chili
  • Products with ammonia
  • Chlorine
  • Naphthalene is toxic to dogs and its consumption can be fatal. Hot pepper or chili can be highly irritating to a dog’s mucus membranes because it contains capsaicinoids, compounds that give it its particular spicy flavor. By using chili, you are creating an incredibly hostile environment and experience for your dog.

    Products with ammonia and chlorine are toxic for dogs. Instead of driving away a dog, ammonia (which is already present in dog urine) can make your dog believe that there is another dog in its territory. This will actually cause a dog to mark more often.

    Find out everything you need to know about dog poisoning here.

    Natural Dog Repellent For Carpet

    Homemade Dog Urine Repellent: Cayenne Spray Solution

    Keeping dogs from eliminating on the furniture and in the flower beds is typically difficult, but that’s why you need to find the right combination of ingredients to put in a clean spray bottle. Then, you’ll be able to start spraying the areas you want your dog to avoid.

    No need for a recipe for this one; mix one part cayenne pepper with ten parts water and spray the mixture over the areas you wish to keep your dog away. Be careful not to add too much cayenne pepper as this could hurt your dog’s sensitive nose.

    Apple Cider Vinegar

    Natural Dog Repellent For Carpet

    Use: Indoors and outdoors
    Ingredients: Apple cider vinegar, white vinegar
  • 1 cup white vinegar
  • 1 cups apple cider vinegar
  • The combination of these two kinds of vinegar may be strong, but it’s effective. Place the ingredients in a spray bottle, and shake it to mix them. Spray any areas indoors and outdoors, using caution to not spray any live plants.

    Apple cider vinegar is found in many store-bought dog pee repellents, so it makes sense that this would be a good ingredient choice for a homemade one.

    Natural Dog Repellent For Carpet

    Use: Indoors and outdoors
    Ingredients: Coffee grounds, water
  • Leftover coffee grounds each morning
  • Instead of throwing those coffee grounds away each day, spread them throughout the area in your yard that you don’t want your dog to disturb.

    To get the most out of this method, it can be combined with citrus peels or lemon juice to keep dogs and other animals away too. But since the caffeine in coffee is toxic to dogs, you should use this method with caution. Make sure the grounds are pressed firmly into the dirt, and none of it is easily accessible for dogs to eat.


    What can I put on carpet to deter dogs?

    A fresh-squeezed lemon diluted with water and lightly misted over your area rug or throw should deter your pup from future accidents in the same spot.

    What scent will keep dogs from peeing on carpet?

    Natural dog deterrents

    Garden and Happy suggests adding a few drops of any citrus-scented essential oil, like citronella, orange, eucalyptus, or lime to your vinegar and water spray solution.

    What is the best homemade dog repellent?

    Natural dog deterrents

    Garden and Happy suggests adding a few drops of any citrus-scented essential oil, like citronella, orange, eucalyptus, or lime to your vinegar and water spray solution.

    What smell will keep dogs away?

    Natural dog deterrents

    Garden and Happy suggests adding a few drops of any citrus-scented essential oil, like citronella, orange, eucalyptus, or lime to your vinegar and water spray solution.